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Original Sin and Double Predestination


Belgic Confession Class, Vol. VII: Articles 15-16

11 classes on 11 CDs

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Belgic Confession Class, Vol. VII: Articles 15-16

11 classes on 11 CDs

Article 15: Original Sin
(1) Theological Terminology and Heretical Views
(2) “Birth Sin” and Adam’s Headship
(3) Original Sin in Its Theological Relationships

Article 16: Eternal Election
(4) Introducing Double Predestination
(5) Defining and Proving Election
(6) Eternal, Unchangeable, Unconditional Election
(7) Defining and Proving Reprobation
(8) Reprobation, Hatred and Hardening
(9) The Purposes of Election and Reprobation
(10) The Righteousness of Election and Reprobation
(11) Infralapsarianism and Supralapsarianism

“Have just finished listening to volume 7 of the Belgic Confession class on ‘Original Sin and Double Predestination.’ Hugely helpful and very encouraging. I will be listening to it again as I do with many of these CD box sets. There are always new insights to be had … please send me volume 8, as well as a copy of the book For Thy Truth’s Sake.” – England

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