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Live Streaming

Live Streaming of Both the CPRC Lord’s Day Services 

11 AM & 6 PM (UK time or GMT)

(plus special lectures in Ballymena)


For the times of our 11 AM and 6 PM Sunday services, and special lectures wherever you are, check out this world time zone chart.

The CPRC video live stream is available on (below), as well as on our YouTube and Facebook pages. For those who would like to live stream only the audio, an audio player is embedded at the bottom of this page. 

We use the 1650 Scottish Metrical Psalter for worship. For help with the tunes commonly used in the CPRC, see this webpage. When possible, we will include the words of the chosen Psalms underneath the live stream. However, if you do not see them there, please click on the link at the beginning of this paragraph. This will open the Psalter in a new window and you will be able to locate the appropriate Psalm and its verses. 


If you are on this page when no meeting is being streamed live, you can watch videos of already recorded CPRC sermons, speeches, etc., on our YouTube page or listen to our audios arranged in various categories:

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