4 lectures plus a sermon on 5 CDs
with 3 handouts
What are angels? What do they do? What are the main erroneous views regarding angels? The Bible has a lot to say about God’s heavenly servants (much more than you think) and it is important! Here is a biblical theology of angels which will help you understand more of the Scriptures and the ways these glorious creatures serve our salvation. These 5 speeches were given by Rev. Angus Stewart at a conference of the Evangelical Presbyterian Church of Australia in Tasmania.
(1) Angels as Created Spirits (Job 38:1-7)
(2) Angels as Messengers of the Lord (Hebrews 1)
(3) Sermon: The Rider on the Red Horse (Zechariah 1:7-17)
(4) Angels as Agents of Divine Justice (Revelation 15:1-16:7)
(5) Angels as Worshippers of God (Revelation 19:1-10)