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Reformed Dogmatics


Herman Hoeksema   (1380 pp. Hardback)

Hoeksema’s magnum opus, the fruit of teaching systematic theology for 40 years at the Protestant Reformed Theological Seminary.

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Second edition. Now a two-volume set. A clear, systematic study and exposition of Reformed theology written by one who held the Chair of Dogmatics for some forty years at a Reformed seminary. Divided into the six generally accepted branches of theology (theology, anthropology, Christology, soteriology, ecclesiology, and eschatology), this profound, scholarly work is logical, scripturally sound, and faithful to the Reformed creeds and traditions.

“… those who are eager to refresh and enrich their knowledge of the Reformed faith will do well to give preference to this volume” (The Banner).

“At a time when flighty faddism threatens to destroy true theology, it is good to have some more solid works. Persevering and judicious reading of this work will probably contribute more to genuine theological education than skimming through the latest pseudo-doctrinal ‘thrillers’” (Christianity Today).

“This is a solid work representing the mature thought of a thorough-going Reformed theologian. Replete with Scriptural documentation, Hoeksema’s work goes beyond simply proof-texting in many cases to enhance its value with exegetical discussion of key doctrinal passages” (The King’s Business).

Joel R. Beeke: “Herman Hoeksema, Reformed Dogmatics … is particularly moving on God’s attributes” (Joel R. Beeke and Sinclair B. Ferguson [eds.], Reformed Confessions Harmonized [Grand Rapids, MI: Baker, 1999], p. 247).

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“Herman Hoeksema was truly blessed with a mind for theology and showed a profound knowledge all of the works of theologians around throughout his life. From going through this carefully, its clear that Hoeksema has read around the entire spectrum of theological topics, devoting his entire life to the knowledge of the truth in God’s Word. Out of all the systematic theologies I’ve read, I would definitely give this work a 10 out of 10!” – S. Wales

Reformed Dogmatics is absolutely brilliant. I can’t stop reading them and going over the chapter again, making note book entries. They are written in an easy-going style that takes nothing from the seriousness of the subject. I can’t recommend them often enough. My friends are getting tired listening to me talking about them. They are on my never-to-lend list.” – N. Ireland
“I’ve received the two Hoeksema volumes and the magazines, and everything is perfect … I absolutely love the Reformed Dogmatics so far. The print and binding quality, as well as the fonts, are also wonderful.” – N. Macedonia
“This work is written not in an abstract, scholastic manner, but in an air that breathes forth the fear and awe of a sovereign, omnipotent, holy, inscrutable God. This book shows that true doctrine exalts God and abases man—completely, without compromise. Unlike most other systematic theologies, even Reformed ones, this book is unashamed in its perusal of logically harmonizing all of Scripture, which of course is the whole point of SYSTEMATIC theology—and which is nothing else than that most fundamental of hermeneutical principles, Scripture interprets Scripture. The result is a huge canvas, composed of many different threads and colours, which however give a picture that is most beautiful, wholesome and fitting, without contradictory parts. Anyone who loves Scripture and the God of Scripture will find this book a treasure chest. After reading this book, or if using it as a reference (or better, both), the Scriptures will become much clear to the reader. Only complaint—I wish the author had covered even more topics than the multitude he already covered!” – Rep. of Ireland

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Hoeksema, Herman

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