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The Civil Government and Non-Rebellion


Belgic Confession 36 (Vol. XXXII)
8 Classes on 8 CDs

8 classes on Belgic Confession 36 (Vol. XXXII) on CD in an attractive box set

What is civil government? Where does it come from? Is it based on an alleged common grace? May the Christian rebel against it? What do the Gospel accounts and epistles teach?

(1) Introducing Civil Government (Eph. 6:1-9)
(2) The Origin of Civil Government and Capital Punishment (Gen. 9:1-7)
(3) Civil Government and Common Grace? (Jer. 29:1-9)
(4) Civil Resistance?—Paul (Rom. 13:1-10)
(5) Civil Resistance?—Peter and John (I Peter 2:9-3:7)
(6)Civil Resistance?—Christ in the Gospels (John 18:28-40)
(7) Grounds for Civil Rebellion? (Dan. 4:19-37)
(8) Civil Rebellion?—Texts, Lesser Magistrates and Occupying Powers (Gen. 14:1-16)

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