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The Two Ages and the NT on the “Last Days”


Belgic Confession 37 (Vol. XXXIV)
11 Classes on 11 CDs

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11 classes on Belgic Confession 37 (Vol. XXXIV) on CD in an attractive box set

The Bible has its own terminology for crucial theological periods of time, including “this age” and “the age to come” (separated by
“the end of this age”), and “the last days” or “the latter times” ending with “the last day.” This is a massive help in understanding
eschatology and the millennialist errors!

(1) Introducing Eschatology and Time (Mark 13:1-27)
(2) The Two Ages—Introduction (I Cor. 1:20-2:8)
(3) Two Qualitatively Different Ages (Luke 20:27-40)
(4) The Ethical Nature of This Age (Matt. 13:18-52)
(5) This Age and This Cosmos (I Cor. 1:18-31)
(6) When Do the Last Days Begin and End? (Acts 2:1-21)
(7) Three NT Texts on Grace in the Last Days (I Peter 1:1-21)
(8) James 5 on the Last Days (James 5:1-13)
(9) The Last Days in II Peter 3 (II Peter 3:1-18)
(10) Jude and Paul on the Last Days (Jude 1-25)
(11) Paul and John on the Last Days (II Tim. 3:1-4:10)

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