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CPRC Bulletin – September 1, 2024


Covenant Protestant Reformed Church

83 Clarence Street, Ballymena BT43 5DR
Rev. Angus Stewart

Lord’s Day, 1 September, 2024

“My covenant was with him of life and peace” (Mal. 2:5)

Morning Service – 11:00 AM

Wholly Incapable of Doing Any Good    [youtube]

Scripture Reading: Hebrews 3
Text: Heidelberg Catechism, Lord’s Day 3

I. The Meaning
II. The Judgment
III. The Calling

Psalms: 95:1-5; 106:1-7a; 78:27-32; 95:6-11

Evening Service – 6:00 PM

God’s Son—So Much Better Than the Angels (18)
The Divine Necessity of Jesus’ Sufferings   [youtube]

Scripture Reading: Hebrews 2
Text: Hebrews 2:10

I. ​God’s Goal for His People
II. God’s Perfection of Jesus
III. God’s Lordship Over All

Psalms: 146:1-8; 106:7b-13; 76:3-10; 40:5-9

For CDs of the sermons and DVDs of the worship services, contact Stephen Murray
If you desire a pastoral visit, please contact Rev. Stewart or the elders

CPRC Website: • Live Webcast:
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Quotes to Consider

John Owen on Hebrews 2:10: “But the apostle says not that it became or was suitable unto an arbitrary free decree of God, but that it became himself as the supreme ruler and judge of all. He speaks not of what was meet unto the execution of a free decree, but of what was meet, on the account of God’s holiness and righteousness, to the constitution of it, as the description of him annexed doth plainly show.”

Herman Hoeksema: “But notice that the text emphasizes that this suffering of the Captain of our salvation was necessary, divinely necessary. The text says, ‘It became him,’ that is, it became God. Not, you understand, as if anything could ever be impose upon the Most High from without! He is God alone, and he executes all his good pleasure. But it is a necessity that follows from God’s own nature. That is why the author designates God as the one through whom and to whom are all things. He is the author of all things and here especially the author of the salvation of his children. It is his work, and not the work of man. Hence in order to be to his glory, they must display his virtues, even through the suffering of his Son. To God, then, it was becoming. It was in harmony with his divine nature and his divine being. It would be to his glory and praise, if he would lead the children to glory, that he would make the Captain of their salvation perfect through suffering. There was no other way” (A Cloud of Witnesses, 2024], p. 14.

Announcements (subject to God’s will)

The August Covenant Reformed News is on the back table with articles on “Let Us Build Jerusalem’s Walls!” and “The Civil and Ceremonial Laws (2).”

After the evening service on Sunday, 15 September, there will be an election for the office of elder: Brian Crossett (3-year term) – approve or disapprove. Due to age/health issues with our elders, we are having an election for a third elder: David Crossett or Joe McCaughern (2-year term). If David is chosen as elder, we would then have an election for the office of deacon: Joe McCaughern (3-year term) – approve or disapprove.

Tuesday Bible study at 11 AM will consider the source of Paul’s teaching.

The Reformed Witness Hour broadcast next Lord’s day (Gospel 846 MW at 8:30 AM) by Rev. Bruinsma is entitled, “The Rise of Counterfeit Christianity” (Mark 13:21-23).

Offerings: £1,504.90.

Catechism begins next week Monday, 9 September. Catechism materials are on the back table. Please remember to sign the consent forms which are on the back table.
5:00 PM: Penelope & Xander (Seniors OT)
5:45 PM: Grace, Jonas, Liam & Sammy (Beginners OT – Book 2)
6:30 PM: Eleanora, Felicity, Hannah, Jorja & Sophie (Juniors OT)
7:15 PM: Jason, Kyan, Maisie & Sebastian (Heidelberg Catechism)
8:00 PM: Bradley, Jack, Josh, Samuel & Taylor (Essentials) – begins 16 September
8:45 PM: Alex & Nathan (Pre-confession) – begins 16 September

The Council meets on Monday, 9 September, at 8 PM.

The annual general meeting will be held on Wednesday, 18 September at 7:30 PM.

The Belgic Confession classes will begin for the season on Wednesday, 25 September.

Translation Additions: 2 Polish, 1 Portuguese and 2 Russian.

PRC News: The annual Seminary Convocation hosted by Byron Center PRC on Wednesday, 4 September, at 7:00 PM (Eastern Time) will be livestreamed. Professor C. Griess will be giving the address. Rev. Noorman accepted the call to Georgetown PRC. Rev. Eriks declined the call to Hope PRC (Redlands, CA). Cand. Haveman plans to answer the call to Loveland PRC today. Hope PRC (Walker MI) will call from a new trio of Revs. Decker, Maatman and Smidstra.

Encouraging Quotes

“I thank you most sincerely for the [Covenant Reformed News]. I have spent most of my life of 49 years in the pentecostal climate and have long enquired as to the reason why I have never heard so much as even one message on the new birth. I believe that most pentecostal people are infected by the Arminian fallacy which to my mind is another gospel altogether. They do not believe in the total depravity of man only in man’s apparent goodness … They see no need of a spiritual birth. They can do it for themselves. They see no need of the cross of Christ … May God richly bless you and yours.” – England

“I wrote to you a couple of years back with a question about divorce and remarriage, and you kindly answered my question. I have continued to study the issue and have become more persuaded of the position taken by the PRC which of course is also the historic Christian position.” – New York, USA

“Thank you for your church website and for sharing with others outside the United Kingdom … The pamphlets I ordered from your website are unique. Thank you.” – Netherlands

“I really love the work of David J. Engelsma, The Reformed Faith of John Calvin: The Institutes in Summary. The explanations and applications are so good and easy to understand. My prayer has always been to have these materials in circulation here in Kenya and in Africa at large. It saddens me when people call to ask for books by Joyce Meyer or Kenneth Hagin, yet we have gifted and biblically faithful authors like Engelsma. My goal is to have the right doctrine operating in our churches.” – Kenya

“I’ve gone through a 4-year divorce and I’m 80-years-old. Recently I came across a post on ‘The Bond of Marriage Is Established by God and Unbreakable by Man.’ I spoke to a couple pastors and they agree with your writing. Your article on the CPRC website was most helpful in my coming to accept my plight. [I’m] determined to live out the rest of my life thankful for God’s grace and His provision.” – Connecticut, USA

“Thank you for the latest Covenant Reformed News. They are very encouraging to me and others. Praising God for you all in your love for Christ and your fellow Christians.” – Australia

“This AI Psalm-singing debate is really good. The translation to Portuguese turned out excellent. It’s wonderful to have this video in Portuguese!” – Brazil

“I listened to a little bit of the Portuguese debate. While I don’t understand Portuguese, it was interesting to hear it spoken with the hint of an Ulster accent!. I’m currently enjoying Wonder of Grace. As the title indicates, it really does show the wonder of grace. The British Reformed Journal arrived this week. Interesting articles as usual.” – Co. Down

“Those Belgic Confession classes are excellent resources. I listened to the ‘Marks of True Christians’ this morning while peeling potatoes and posted an old one on ‘Earthquakes and Birth Pangs’ on Belgic Confession 37 to my Instagram.” – New Jersey, USA

“I’m reading Behold I Come Quickly. This is a great book because it destroys dispensationalism and postmillennialism, and defends amillennialism which is the Reformed position. The CPRC and the BRF books are a lifeline and a great encouragement. They are really appreciated.” – England

“Would you e-mail me this article? I am glad to read that the 1000-year kingdom will not take place on this earth. I’ve been seeing this for a long time as well. Thank you!” – Germany

“I appreciate so much your monthly Covenant Reformed News. I was interested to know that the theme of your conference is the ‘Reformed Doctrine of Eschatology.’ I would love to get recordings of these lectures if that were possible.” – Co. Antrim

“I love the lip-synced Spanish dub video. I didn’t see or hear anything forced or false. A Spanish dubbing of that quality will be a great blessing for the Hispanic world.” – Argentina

“Thank you very much for your help in paying for my Standard Bearer subscription. I enjoyed the article in the British Reformed Journal on ‘God’s Saving Will in the New Testament.’ Every blessing in your work.” – Co. Tyrone

“The sermon ‘Do Not Sell the Truth’ was a great listen! I’m sure the congregation didn’t need to hear it but I certainly did.” – Rep. of Ireland

“On the entrance door of a church I visited weeks back was some Christian literature displayed on a tray table. I find this Christian literature very useful and one of such is your book titled Behold, I Come Quickly. I cannot imagine the happiness in my heart knowing God has carried my path to this church to come across this useful book.” – Nigeria  

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