10 sermons and lectures from the 2024 British Reformed Fellowship conference
on CD (10 CDs) or DVD (7 DVDs & 3 CDs) in an attractive box set
Here are exegetical, doctrinal, practical and historical lectures on the end times delivered by speakers from the US and the UK. Listen and learn, and so grow in hope for God’s glorious goal for the church and the universe at the return of Christ who will make all things new!
At the 2024 British Reformed Fellowship (BRF) conference in Shropshire, England, the 6 main speeches (4-9) by Prof. Brian Huizinga and Rev. Ron Hanko on “Then Comes the End: The Reformed Doctrine of Eschatology” were preceded by the Saturday night opening address by Rev. Angus Stewart, and a Bible study (2) and a sermon (3) by Prof. Huizinga on the Lord’s day. Rev. Stewart’s historical lecture on a great medieval Bible commentator, theologian and historian (10), though listed last, was delivered on the Wednesday in the middle of the 6 main speeches.
(1) Three Young Men and the Fiery Furnace (CD) – Rev. Angus Stewart
(2) The Mark of the Beast (CD) – Prof. Brian Huizinga
(3) As in the Days of Noah and Lot (CD) – Prof. Brian Huizinga
(4) The End That Is Coming – Prof. Brian Huizinga
(5) The Day of the Lord in the Old Testament – Rev. Ron Hanko
(6) The Antichrist in Daniel 8 – Prof. Brian Huizinga
(7) The Battle of Armageddon – Rev. Ron Hanko
(8) The Final Resurrection – Rev. Ron Hanko
(9) The New Heavens and the New Earth – Prof. Brian Huizinga
(10) The Venerable Bede and His Commentary on Revelation – Rev. Angus Stewart