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A Tribute to the Canons of Dordt


Five points, they say, were brought that day
By followers of Arminius.
Each are condemned; 5 answers penned
That shine forever glorious.
‘Twas evident the first attempt
Was full of human merit.
The Dordt divines read ‘tween the lines,
And they would have none of it.
Their answer came, gained worldwide fame,
Though in our day, neglected,
But look within at all the sin,
Is this not expected?
Can we rejoice with heart and voice,
In God’s Great Sovereign Will,
When all that’s said is “We’re not dead,
It’s just we’re rather ill”?!!
Enough for me, I’d rather be,
In hell for endless time
Than boast that I with but a sigh
Claimed saving grace sublime.
Naked born, on that first morn,
Unclothed before His eyes;
He knows my heart and every part
This God whom I despise,
But Grace, His choice, I heard His voice,
Oh such a sweet surprise
Alive, Awake, Now (!!) I could take
This Saviour so Divine
True faith He gave, now I’m His slave,
Lord Jesus Christ is mine.

– Rev. James Jackett

The Canons of Dordt can be read on-line.

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