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CPRC Bulletin – April 3, 2022


Covenant Protestant Reformed Church

83 Clarence Street, Ballymena BT43 5DR
Rev. Angus Stewart

Lord’s Day, 3 April, 2022

“… walk in love, as Christ also hath loved us, and hath given himself for us
an offering and a sacrifice to God for a sweetsmelling savour” (Eph. 5:2)

Morning Service – 11:00 AM

Paul’s Call to Be an Apostle   [youtube]

Scripture Reading: Acts 26
Text: Acts 26

I. His Commission
II. His Message
III. His Future

Psalms: 121:1-8; 25:1-7; 36:5-11; 22:26-31

Evening Service – 6:00 PM

Church Discipline  [youtube]

Scripture Reading: I Corinthians 5
Text: Heidelberg Catechism, Lord’s Day 31

I. The Biblical Way
II. The Needed Truth
III. The Divine Authority

Psalms: 48:1-6; 25:8-14; 101:3-8; 75:3-10

For CDs of the sermons and DVDs of the worship services, contact Stephen Murray
If you desire a pastoral visit, please contact Rev. Stewart or the elders

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Quote to Consider

Herman Hoeksema on Lord’s Day 31: “The proper exercise of Christian discipline according to the word of God is of great benefit to the church of Christ in the world. It is of benefit to the erring brother, who through the admonitions of the word of God is brought to repentance and re-established in the fellowship of the saints. This applies only to the brother, not to him who bears the name of Christian but continues to walk in the way of sin and impenitence … But the erring brother will repent and be saved not by human efforts, but because it pleases Christ to use the exhortations of the brethren and of the whole church to bring his wandering sheep back to the fold. Moreover, Christian discipline is of great benefit not only to the erring brother, but also to the mutual relationship of believers and to the whole church. When Christian discipline is exercised properly and faithfully, the bond of Christian fellowship will be strengthened, and believers will be built up in the love of God through Jesus Christ. Then the whole church is benefited, because by the exercise of Christian discipline she constantly casts off the impure elements of the flesh, grows in the knowledge and grace of Christ Jesus, and is firmly established in the truth” (Eating and Drinking Christ, pp. 210-211).

Announcements (subject to God’s will)

We welcome Bob & Carolyn Prins to our worship services again.

A new Covenant Reformed News is on the back table.

Monday catechism classes:
5:00 PM: Jason, Maisie & Sebastian (Juniors NT) – final lesson + take home test
5:45 PM: Eleanora, Felicity, Hannah, Jorja, Penelope, Sammy, Somaya, Sophie, Xander & Yossef (Beginners OT, Book 2) – oral test
6:30 PM: Angelica, Bradley, Jack, Josh, Samuel & Taylor (Heidelberg, Book 1) – written test

The Council meets tomorrow evening, 4 April, at 7:30 PM at church.

Tuesday Bible study at 11 AM will meet to discuss the category of faith.

The Belgic Confession Class will meet on Wednesday at 7:30 PM to consider more solid reasons why Ezekiel 40-48 is not literal.

Membership Class: Thursday, 11 AM with the Goulds.

The Saturday night Bible study meets to discuss Malachi 3 this week, 9 April, at 8 PM at the Kennedys and on-line.

The Reformed Witness Hour broadcast next Lord’s day (Gospel 846 MW at 8:30 AM) by Rev. R. Kleyn is entitled, “Joseph in Prison” (Gen. 40).

Offerings: General Fund: £1,025. Donation: £100 (Malaysia).

Translation Additions: 2 Afrikaans and 1 Polish.

PRC News: Rev. Guichelaar declined Edmonton PRC.

Glorying in Knowing God

Rev. Dale Kuiper

Jeremiah 9:23-24: “Thus saith the Lord, Let not the wise man glory in his wisdom, neither let the mighty man glory in his might, let not the rich man glory in his riches: but let him that glorieth glory in this, that he understandeth and knoweth me, that I am the Lord which exerciseth lovingkindness, and righteousness and judgement in the earth: for in these things I delight, saith the Lord.”

… There seems to be something in man that wants to glory, to boast. Man, apart from the grace of God, likes to glory or boast in something that he is, he has or is connected to in some visible way. Jeremiah tells us that although all boasting is not sin, there are many dangers in this matter of boasting. God does not forbid us to glory, but God is very insistent that glorying be where it ought to be: in Him (I Cor. 1:31) or in this “that he understandeth and knoweth me, that I am the Lord …”

By the contrast that he presents in the above verses, it is clear that Jeremiah considers this matter of boasting as an either/or proposition. Either a man will boast in his wisdom, might or riches, or he will glory in the Lord. He cannot do both and he cannot find a third possibility. By “wisdom,” we are to understand the wisdom of this world, the wisdom of the philosopher, the doctor, the scientist, the lawyer and the professor; think also of the ability to run a business and to make money. Might has reference to the dynamic political or military leader, to the skill and endurance of the professional athlete, to the fanaticism of the sports world, to the ability to command vast sums of money to artistic, dramatic or musical skills. And riches? It is clear that man likes to boast in his houses and lands, his possessions, his bank accounts, the prestige and ease that the life-style of the rich affords. These are things that the human race goes after in every age! So it was in the ancient civilizations and so it is today! Learning, power or might, and riches are the goals, the end-all and be-all, of human endeavour and striving.

Clearly, the prophet does not forbid the people of God to be wise or mighty or rich! There may be learning and education in the church, and there may be riches and influence held by those who worship the Lord Christ in truth. But the Word of God is: there may be no boasting in those things! Do not let those things occupy the heart so that all the inner life of the soul revolves around them! Do not allow these things so to fill your mind that your conversation is always returning to them, with bragging or with subtle reminders and hints. Do not arrange your lives so that everything must serve those natural things you glory in, so that whatever stands in the way of that thing must go.

Rather, “Thus saith the Lord … let him that glorieth glory in this, that he understandeth and knoweth me …” All earthly glorying is sin; glorying that is spiritual, that is based upon possessing a spiritual good, that is right glorying! Glory in the knowledge of God! The knowledge of God is something so precious, so sublime, so other-worldly, so rust and moth-proof, so enduring and so satisfying, that there is nothing that can be compared to it. Hear the Lord Jesus according to John 17:3, “And this is life eternal, that they might know thee the only true God, and Jesus Christ, whom thou has sent.” Glorying in the knowledge of God cannot mean glorying in some vague notion that there is a supreme being of some kind out there, some mysterious kind of deity or higher being. This knowledge is of Me, saith the Lord, that I am Jehovah! A very definite knowledge of a very definite God, and that is Jehovah God of Israel!

Secondly, this knowledge that is to be a matter of glorying and joyful boasting cannot be a mere intellectual knowledge about God. There are all kinds of people, in Jeremiah’s day and in our day, who have knowledge about God; but they do not really know God, they do not glory according to that kind of knowledge and thus they do not speak of Him either. The prophet has in mind a personal knowledge of God that is comprehended by the mind, but also that has seeped down into our heart so that a relationship results between that man and Jehovah, a relationship of love and friendship!

Thirdly, this knowledge of God is not to be confused with emotional feelings which are merely subjective but this precious knowledge has specific doctrinal content. The prophet makes this clear when he says that we must glory in this, “that we understand and know God.” Notice that! We are called to know what kind of a God God is. We must have a thorough understanding as to what His nature is like, what His perfections and virtues are, what His holy will is, what His law requires, how great His works in creation, history and salvation are!

This kind of knowledge comes from the Holy Scriptures applied to our hearts by the Holy Spirit of truth! This deep understanding comes through the faithful, lively preaching of sound doctrine, sound doctrine is precisely what the child of God needs in order to know and enjoy God! We must know that He is Jehovah, the eternal, independent, sovereign, living God. As the great I AM, He is unchangeable in Himself and in His determination to save His people!

That the prophet has in mind a doctrinal knowledge is shown further by the words, “That I am the Lord that executeth lovingkindness, judgment and righteousness in the earth.” Clearly, the knowledge of God that we glory in is revealed in Jesus Christ! This is the knowledge of salvation, nothing less! Mentioned here are the great works of God in the cross and resurrection of Jesus, which deliver us worthless, guilty sinners from all our sin. God provides the sacrifice who satisfies for all our sins, and God justifies the ungodly and quiets their fearful consciences by preaching to them their innocence by faith in the blood of Christ. In this we are to glory and in nothing else! As Paul writes to the Galatians (6:14), “But God forbid that I should glory, save in the cross of our Lord Jesus Christ.” No one in all the world has any right to boast in anything else; not in wisdom, not in riches, not in might. The only thing worth boasting in, the only boasting God approves, is boasting in the knowledge of God in Jesus Christ by faith.

Is that your glorying and your boasting? Is it mine? If so, we show that in our lives by seeking to grow in our knowledge of God. Is the Word of God precious to you? Do you attend a church where the Word of God is faithfully explained and applied to you? Do you faithfully attend the worship service, striving to understand the preached Word so that you may more and more know God? Further, since knowing God by faith establishes a personal relationship of friendship with God, is this relationship a matter of daily joy for you? For the child of God, prayer is not a hard task but a wonderful privilege; walking in God’s commandments is not irksome but delightful! And since a man always talks about the thing he glories in, do you love to speak the knowledge of God that is in you? A tongue-tied Christian is a contradiction in words. Both King David and the apostle Paul said, “I believe, therefore have I spoken.” The Christian’s speech is not in the abstract, either; he speaks of his own personal faith, of what the knowledge of God that he has been given means to him. He glories in it!! He makes it the centre of his life, the object of his seeking, the jewel of great price for which he stands willing to let other things go!

This is a command of God! This is a requirement of the same God Whom to know is the highest good! The God of heaven and earth, to Whom all power and authority belong, stands before every man and commands, “Do not glory in yourself or in any earthly thing. but I, the God of all glory, say unto you: Glory in Me! Glory in what I have done in My Son!” And then one more thing. Let us make sure that we do not parade our knowledge of God before others, make sure that we do not call attention to ourselves with all our doctrinal knowledge. Make sure that we speak with meekness and fear, giving God the glory also for the understanding and knowledge that He has so graciously given us.

God requires this of us because, as the prophet explains, God Himself delights in these things. God Himself rejoices in, glories in, finds endless pleasure in, the exercise of mercy, judgement, and righteousness. Always His good pleasure is in Jesus Christ through Whom He works these things. What must God think of the proud human boasting that fills this world? He take no delight in it! He takes delight in Himself! And he requires that His redeemed children delight in what He delights in. Then do we show ourselves to be His sons and daughters. “He that glorieth, let him glory in the Lord.”

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