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CPRC Bulletin – April 6, 2006

Covenant Protestant Reformed Church


Rev. Angus Stewart

Lord’s Day, 6 April, 2008

“Make a joyful noise unto God, all ye lands:

Sing forth the honour of his name:

make his praise glorious” (Ps. 66:1-2)

Morning Service – 11:00 AM

Flourishing Saints

Psalm 92:12-15

I. The Meaning

II. The Location

III. The Reason

Psalms: 87:1-7; 119:81-88; 52:3-9; 92:10-15

Evening Service – 6:00 PM

Obeying Church Leaders

Heidelberg Catechism, Lord’s Day 31; Hebrews 13

I. The Meaning

II. The Reasons

III. The Implications

Psalms: 98:1-9; 119:89-96; 82:1-8; 25:4-10

For CDs of the sermons and DVDs of the worship services, contact Stephen Murray
If you desire a pastoral visit, please contact Rev. Stewart or the elders

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Quotes to Consider:

Thomas Watson: “Do we love the convictions of the Word? Do we love the Word when it comes home to our conscience and shoots its arrows of reproof at our sins? It is the minister’s duty sometimes to reprove. He who can speak smooth words in the pulpit, but does not know how to reprove, is like a sword with a fine hilt but without an edge … Dip the nail in oil, reprove in love, but strike the nail home. Now, Christian, when the Word touches on your sin and says, ‘Thou art the man,’ do you love the reproof? Can you bless God that ‘the sword of the Spirit’ has divided between you and your lusts? This is indeed a sign of grace and shows that you are a lover of the Word.”

Herman Hoeksema: “The purpose of the exercise of Christian discipline is also the salvation of its members. When they walk in sin, of which they do not repent, it is certainly not to their salvation that they are left undisturbed, without rebuke and admonition. And the positive purpose of the exercise of Christian discipline, as far as the members of the church are concerned, is certainly their salvation.”

Announcements (subject to God’s will):

This morning the second offering will be for the building fund.

The Council will meet tomorrow night at 7:30 PM at the manse.

Tuesday: Catechism at the Murrays at 6:30 PM Membership Class at the Hallidays at 8:15 PM

Midweek Bible Study meets Wednesday, 7:45 PM, at the manse. We will study II Timothy 4:5f. on “making full proof of your ministry.”

Offering: General Fund – £579.10.

The Reformed Witness Hour next Lord’s Day (8:30-9:00 AM, on Gospel 846MW), is entitled “Set Free by the Spirit of Life in Christ Jesus” (Romans 8:2).

Women’s Bible Study meets next week Tuesday, 15 April, 10:30 AM at the Murrays.

Upcoming Lectures: Friday, 25 April, in Limerick, on “The Antichrist” Friday, 9 May, in S. Wales, on “The Antichrist”

Website Additions: 1 Portuguese translation and 1 Italian translation were added.

PRC News: Doon PRC will call a missionary to the Philippines from a trio of Revs. Eriks (Hudsonville, MI), W. Langerak (Southeast, MI), and VanderWal (Redlands, CA).

Considering Orion

Canst thou bind the sweet influences of Pleiades, or loose the bands of Orion? (Job 38:31)

The constellation Orion, picturing a great hunter or warrior, is one of the most well-known constellations in the night sky. Often it is one of the first star patterns we learn to recognize. Orion can now be seen in the southwest once the sky is dark. Because Orion is located above Earth’s equator, it can be seen from all its inhabited places. Two bright stars mark his broad, strong shoulders, and, just below, are three not as widely spaced bright stars which are his belt.

From a greater perspective, Orion has an interesting place in our galaxy, the Milky Way. The Milky Way can be pictured mentally as a large ball of stars with several spiralling arms swirling out from a central hub of stars. If one were to look from the sun toward the central hub of our spiral shaped galaxy, the constellation Scorpius (the Scorpion) would meet our eyes. Looking in the opposite direction, away from our galaxy’s centre, we observe Orion. Orion is in the spiral arm which is the next arm out from the arm in which the sun is located.

In many ancient cultures Orion was associated with heroes and warriors. The Hebrew word which is translated Orion in the Bible means “Strong.” There aren’t as many myths associated with Orion as there are other characters found in the starry sky. Perhaps the best known myth about Orion is that he was killed by the deadly sting of Scorpius. The scorpion had been sent out to punish Orion for his arrogance. After accomplishing its task, the scorpion was placed directly opposite from Orion in the sky so it would never threaten him again. Of course, readers of the Bible cannot help but associate the great hunter, Orion, with mighty Nimrod.

We are familiar with the story of Job. Would anyone choose to suffer the afflictions of Job? God’s hand was heavy upon him. Job wondered why he experienced such bitter afflictions. Although he knew he was guilty of sin, Job asserted that he certainly was no worse a sinner than others. Despite the protests of his so-called friends and comforters, who were sure Job was guilty of some heinous sin, Job maintained his innocence. Job argued from his own observation that there were many among the wicked who lived very prosperous and, from an earthly point of view, happy lives. So, why did God make Job suffer so greatly?

In Job 23:3-4, Job expressed the desire to meet with God and argue his case before Him. Job would plead his innocence. In chapter 38, Job had his wish. However, the conversation did not unfold in the way Job anticipated. Job wanted to come before God’s seat. He longed for the opportunity to order his cause before God and “fill my mouth with arguments.”

In Job 38, the meeting between God and Job begins. It was not what Job expected or desired. God had no intention of allowing Job to question Him or to lay out his carefully arranged case. How terrified Job must have been when God, the almighty, sovereign Creator, sternly stated, “Gird up now thy loins like a man; for I will demand of thee, and answer thou me.” How large must have been the lump in Job’s throat when he suddenly realized that this conversation would be nothing like what he had wanted. God then proceeds to ask Job a long list of questions which are meant to put Job in his proper place of silent submission.

One of God’s questions is found in the verse quoted above: “Canst thou … loose the bands of Orion?” So, on the next clear evening when the twilight has faded, step outside, look to the southwest and consider Orion. Orion’s shoulders are much wider than his waist, which conveys to us his great strength. Around his waist is his belt, a band of cloth wrapped around his body to keep his clothing in place and out of the way as he hunts. Who would try to loose the belt of such a strong hunter? He needs it to accomplish his task, and in it is found his prized sword. It is not wise to tussle or measure swords with Orion. Also, Orion is far beyond our reach. We cannot ascend high enough to pose even a slight threat to him.

Do we wonder why God has brought hardship to our lives? Are we anxious about the state of the economy and what its effects might be for us as we work to support our families and various kingdom causes? Are we growing impatient as we or our loved ones recover from illnesses or injuries? Are we troubled by the condition of God’s militant church, which often seems so insignificant and small and must struggle with troubles both internal and external? From Job we learn that we had better not let these burdens cause us to question God’s sovereignty or the righteousness of His judgment. We must silently submit to His good pleasure and trust in the promises of Him Whose sovereign strength places the starry hunter in the sky.

Mr. Brian Dykstra, teacher at Hope Protestant Reformed Christian School

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