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CPRC Bulletin – April 6, 2014

Covenant Protestant Reformed Church

83 Clarence Street, Ballymena BT43 5DR
Rev. Angus Stewart
Lord’s Day, 6 April, 2014

“But our God is in the heavens: he hath done
whatsoever he hath pleased” (Psalm 115:3)

Morning Service – 11:00 AM

Angels as Messengers of the Lord  [youtube]
Scripture Reading: Hebrews 1
Text: Hebrews 1:14

I. The Idea of Angels as Messengers of the Lord
II. The Examples of Angels as Messengers of the Lord
III. The Comfort of Angels as Messengers of the Lord
Psalms: 80:1-3, 17-19; 69:21-25; 18:6-11; 91:9-15

Evening Service – 6:00 PM

The Pharisee and the Tax Collector  [youtube]
Scripture Reading: Luke 18:1-34
Text: Luke 18:9-14

I. The Pharisee
II. The Tax Collector
III. The Verdict
Psalms: 130:1-8; 69:26-30; 143:1-7a; 32:1-5

For CDs of the sermons and DVDs of the worship services, contact Stephen Murray
If you desire a pastoral visit, please contact Rev. Stewart or the elders

CPRC Website: • Live Webcast:
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Quote to Consider

John Owen: And whatever words men shall be pleased to make use of in their vocal prayers, God interprets their minds according to what they trust in, as unto their justification before him” (Works, vol. 5, p. 302).

Announcements (subject to God’s will)

Julian Kennedy had a hip replacement at Musgrave Hospital yesterday. The surgery went well and he hopes to return home tomorrow. We are thankful to our heavenly Father for the recovery He’s given thus far and pray that the Lord may grant continued healing.

The Tuesday Bible study meets at 11 AM to continue our consideration of Christ’s controversies, looking at the law and proportion.

The Belgic Confession Class will be held on Wednesday at 7:45 PM studying article 23 and “Justification by Faith Alone.”

Men’s Bible Study plans to meet this Saturday, 12 April at 8 PM at the Kennedys to continue studying Malachi.

The Reformed Witness Hour broadcast next Lord’s Day (Gospel 846MW at 8:30 AM) is entitled “Father, Forgive Them” (Luke 23:34).

Rev. & Mary Stewart leave on Monday week, for our pastor to speak at an EPC family camp in Tasmania (17-21 April), preach at Brisbane EPC (27 April) and lecture and preach in Singapore (29 April – 6 May).

While Rev. Stewart is away, Rev. den Hartog’s speaking schedule is:
Sunday, 20 April, preaching in the CPRC
Wed., 23 April, CPRC lecture on “The Importance of the Historical Adam”
Sunday, 27 April, preaching in the LRF (Rev. McGeown in the CPRC)
Monday, 28 April, LRF lecture on “Living in Perilous Times”
Fri., 2 May, CPRC lecture on “The Role of the Father in the Christian Home”
Sunday, 4 May, preaching in CPRC

S. Wales Meetings: Rev. McGeown will speak in Port Talbot on “The Christian as Prophet, Priest and King” (Tuesday, 15 April) and on “The Perfections of Holy Scripture” (Wednesday, 7 May).

Offerings: General – £713.42. Donations: £200 (DVDs).

Website Additions: 2 Italian, 1 Tagalog and 1 Spanish translations.

PRC News: The organizational and first meeting of the new federation of the Protestant Reformed Churches in the Philippines (PRCP) will be on Wednesday, 9 April, in Valenzuela, on the north side of Metro Manila. At this meeting, the Berean PRC (where Pastor Vernon Ibe serves) and First PRC in Bulacan (where Pastor John Flores serves) shall be united together formally and officially in a special ceremony, followed by a regular business meeting in which many details of organization will be treated, plus some regular business.

Encouraging Quotes

“I found your website after someone shared a video which I believe was from one of your services on the topic of adultery. On your website I found ‘11 Theses on Marriage, Divorce, Remarriage & Adultery’ by Rev. McGeown. I wanted to tell you how thankful and encouraged I was to find someone who is willing to stand for the truth that Christ does not allow those who have divorced to remarry and that those who have remarried are living in adultery.” – USA

“I have just listened to the sermons on Ruth 1. I really enjoyed listening to them.”- Co. Antrim

“When I received the CDs on ‘John the Baptist’s Public Ministry (1),’ I didn’t really expect them to have much impact on me but your teaching on baptism was so very helpful and fitted in wonderfully with my reading on baptism over recent months. The result is that I am so clear about the elect children of believers being in the covenant from infancy and, therefore, the necessity of their baptism … On the same day I received the [Belgic Confession] Article 19 CDs, I received the Standard Bearer with its teaching on ‘He Ascended Into Heaven,’ which I read twice before I listened to a CD. What a wonderful providence of God! It couldn’t have been better preparation! I really wanted to learn about ‘The Union and Distinction of the Two Natures in the Person of Christ’ after studying it—again, previously, I think I would have found it too much for me. And what a blessing the first 6 CDs have been! It really is surprising and wonderful that we listeners to the CDs can enter in to the study as if we are there! Thank you so much for your teaching and to the study group allowing us to share with them in this way. Truly, the Lord is doing great things in these days in getting out His Word from the CPRC and PRC to all the world.” – Halifax, England

“I just recently found Rev. Stewart on-line by accident. I watched his debate with the man who is an Arminian. It was unbelievable! Rev. Stewart spoke of different books and literature available through him and I was just wondering if I am able to get any literature from him since I am in Canada. If not, are there any books that you could recommend regarding the doctrines of grace, Calvinism, etc.? Thank you.” – Canada

“Here in Chiang Mai, Thailand, virtually no congregations have afternoon or evening services. This afternoon I watched your worship service [live] instead. I was struck by the fact that you preach without compromise and that your congregation sings the Psalms so they can be understood by your on-line listening audience. That is an advantage of singing without a big pipe organ overpowering the words of the Psalter.” – Thailand

“Many thanks for the excellent booklets you sent. I intend to put them around here where the true gospel is hidden.” – Hampshire, England

“I have just read the February Covenant Reformed News. I feel deeply challenged that I know very little in digging out mature truths.” – Kenya

“I’m from Australia, and I was just browsing the internet when I came across your church’s website … I am encouraged by the fact that there are other churches confessing the honest truth of God’s Word. I have found it very interesting to read some of the material available on your website …” – Australia

“Just listened [live] to the sermon on Jonah. Very well explained, very good.” – Co. Tyrone

“Thank you for the book, All Glory to the Only Good God. What a remarkable read! I have been overwhelmed with the beauty and depth of what Hoeksema writes concerning our Triune God. I’ve never read a book quite like it. It is such a blessing. It is a transport of joy and truly humbling.” – Wolverhampton, England

“Thank you for mailing the Covenant Reformed News. I have just finished with the translation. ‘Christ’s Melchizedekian Priesthood’ is a great issue!” – Hungary

“My wife and I have listened to a number of your sermons and videos on YouTube and your website. I want to thank you for your stand for the truths of God’s Word and the clear preaching of the gospel of Jesus Christ … I have come to love the pure reformed truths that the PRC teaches.” – South Carolina, USA

“Thank you for the regular copies of the Covenant Reformed News. I look forward to them and am blessed with the explanations and information contained in them and do pray for your ministry even though I don’t get in touch very often. I would be grateful if you would send me the DVDs … I hope I will be able to see you some time this year in the Round Chapel …” – South Wales

“What a pleasant surprise to find this website and the knowledge of a Reformed church amongst the Irish. It’s a bit lonely on this island in the South Atlantic Ocean—Baptists, Charismatics, Anglicans and Jehovah’s Witnesses …” – St. Helena

“Thank you very much for the books which I received today. I am looking forward to reading them and so is my husband. Such material is hard to come by these days! We are truly blessed by your ministry and use your website a lot. Wishing you both every blessing.” – Scotland

“A rather belated thank you for kindly sending me two copies of ‘Good News for the Afflicted.’ The meditations provide much comfort and hope to us as we journey through this wilderness world on our way home. It is a delight to be able to share them with my friends.” – England

“Thank you so much for your kind gift of literature and DVDs. Although they were free, I do wish to give something to this great Reformed ministry. I am distributing this literature among my fellow church members and elsewhere.” – Co. Antrim

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