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CPRC Bulletin – August 19, 2018

Covenant Protestant Reformed Church

83 Clarence Street, Ballymena BT43 5DR
Rev. Angus Stewart
Lord’s Day, 19 August, 2018

“And be not conformed to this world: but be ye transformed
by the renewing of your mind …” (Rom. 12:2)

Morning Service – 11:00 AM

Zechariah’s Burden Upon Israel (2)
The Pierced One and the Spirit of Grace  [youtube]

Scripture Reading: Zechariah 12:1-13:1
Text: Zechariah 12:10-14

I. The Biblical Identity
II. The Mutual Relationship
III. The Spiritual Mourning
Psalms: 100:1-5; 80:1-6; 22:11-18; 51:1-7

Evening Service – 6:00 PM

Nothing Can Separate Us From God’s Love  [youtube]
Scripture Reading: Romans 8:19-39
Text: Heidelberg Catechism, Lord’s Day 10

I. The Terrible Opponents
II. The Compelling Reasons
III. The Important Implications
Psalms: 124:1-8; 80:7-12; 44:17-22; 103:13-19

For CDs of the sermons and DVDs of the worship services, contact Stephen Murray
If you desire a pastoral visit, please contact Rev. Stewart or the elders

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Quotes to Consider

Rev. Ron Hanko on Zechariah 12:10: “When the Spirit is called the Spirit of grace and supplications, he is described as the Spirit who gives grace and who works repentance in the hearts of those to whom he is sent. The supplications are the pleas for forgiveness that rise from a heart overwhelmed by God’s grace. These are produced by the Spirit and do not arise naturally from the heart of the sinner. Sorrow for sin and a changed attitude do not just suggest that a person is under conviction and there is the possibility of his salvation, but prove that the work of grace and salvation has already begun in his heart, even though he may not himself recognize that work for what it is. We shed no real tears for sin, except they be purchased by the blood of Christ and given by the Spirit of grace. There are tears shed for the consequences of sin and because of the judgments of sin, but these are merely the sorrow of the world” (The Coming of Zion’s Redeemer, p. 367).

John Calvin on providence: “Let us … learn to see … by the eyes of faith, both in accidental circumstances (as they are called) and in the evil designs of men, that secret providence of God, which directs all events to a result pre-determined by himself … When the faithful represent God as the author of their calamities, it is not in the way of murmuring against him, but that they may, with greater confidence, seek relief, as it were, from the same hand which smote and wounded them.”

Announcements (subject to God’s will)

We welcome Marietta Linde and her 3 children from Ontario, Canada, to our worship services today.

Ivan Reid had prostate surgery this past Monday. He returned home on Tuesday but was admitted back into the City Hospital the following day. Remember Ivan and Lily in your prayers.

The July and August Covenant Reformed News are on the back table

Tuesday Bible Study at 11 AM will consider the burnt offering in terms of its history and its offering as an act of worship, etc.

Men’s Bible Study meets this Saturday, 25 August, at 8 PM at the Kennedys to study Acts 4:1-22.

The Reformed Witness Hour broadcast next Lord’s Day (Gospel 846 MW at 8:30 AM) by Rev. Haak is entitled “The Wonder of Ninevah’s Repentance” (Jonah 3:5-9).

S. Wales Lecture: Rev. Stewart will speak on “Christ Our Sacrifice in Isaiah 53” on Friday, 31 August, at 7:15 PM in Margam Community Centre.

Catechism begins Monday, 3 September. More details later.

Offerings: General Fund: £771.

Translation Additions: 1 Russian.

PRC News: Grandville PRC will call from a trio of Revs. N. Decker (Trinity, MI), J. Engelsma (Doon, IA) and E. Guichelaar (Randolph, WI).

The Wandering Bird (1)

Brian D. Dykstra

Proverbs 27:8: “As a bird that wandereth from her nest, so is a man that wandereth from his place.”

This past summer I was mowing my lawn near a small tree in my front yard. Something unusual caught my eye. There was a baby goldfinch on the ground. He was not yet old enough to fly, and his father and mother were frantically flying from tree to tree. My children and I did the best we could for the little bird. We put him back in his nest, several times. Later we found one of his nest mates on the ground. He was already dead. Also, while working on putting one back in the nest, a third little fellow was stepped on. When putting the last bird back in the nest for the fifth time, a usually sympathetic child of mine muttered, “Stupid birds, they’re just going to have to learn to take care of their own stupid kids.”

Living a life of faith is performing the duties, even the simple duties, which God has given to us. The proverb spoke of a bird which wanders from her nest as being the same as a man who wanders from his place. Such a bird, and such a man, is foolish.

The bird’s place is her nest. Where this nest is depends upon the type of bird. Robins prefer their nests more in the open. I have seen them on the sides of buildings on top of electric meters. Wrens need more seclusion and will build nests in bird houses with very small openings. Oriole nests look like bags suspended from branches. Woodpeckers live in hollowed out tree trunks.

This is the way God has created these birds. They are different and have their own place to fill in creation. Some birds eat seeds. Others eat berries, worms or bugs. Others only eat animals which have died. You can tell about a bird’s habitat and diet by looking at its feet and beak. Whatever its style of nest, wherever its habitat and whatever its diet, each bird has been given its place in creation by God.

A good nest is a place of safety for the bird and her young. There are animals, even other birds, which want to take the eggs from the nest and make a meal of them. Young birds need protection from predators which can even be your neighbour’s cat. Nests are also places of instruction. Eagles are given instruction in their nests. They take small leaps and spread their wings for their first flying lessons. The food brought back to the nest is a lesson on what to eat.

For adult birds the nest is where it is the bird’s duty to be. Her young need her care and protection. It is her duty to attend her nest and feed her young. If she doesn’t do it, who will? It is her duty to give protection to her young. The world is a dangerous place for young birds. You have seen broken egg shells on the ground because some other bird stole them from the nest. Perhaps you have seen young birds lying on the ground dead because they were taken by a predator. The nest is where the bird is supposed to be so her young are protected.

The nest is also the place for the young birds. Young birds sometimes want to leave the nest. As the young grow, the nest becomes more crowded. Maybe they would like some space for themselves. The young always seem to be hungry. They may wander from the nest to try to find food on their own. Perhaps they think they are ready to go out on their own and experience freedom. Many young birds do not survive their first year. They are easy for predators to catch. They may starve because they are not able to find their food as well as they thought they could. The nest is a place of safety.

Just as God decrees that the bird’s place is the nest, He has given each of us our place. Bird nests are found in a variety of places and we have variety in our places as well. Your fathers have different kinds of work which they do. Your mothers’ places are different as well. Some care for older children while others have children who are still very young.

Our places are ordained by God. Just as God equips each bird for its place in creation, He gives us what we need for our places. Your fathers have been given the abilities they need for their work. Remembering that God ordains our places for us can be important. There are times when we are very aware of our limitations and sinful natures. Teachers can wonder whether or not they have the patience and wisdom to make it through another day. Your fathers may struggle dealing with bosses or customers who are troublesome. Mothers can grow weary with the great responsibility of raising children. It is during these difficult times we must remember that God will equip us for the place He gives us.

The lives of your fathers and mothers centre on providing a place for you in the home. Fathers work to care for their wives and children at home. Mothers are concerned with raising their children in the home. Bird nests are to be places of safety and so are your homes. There are spiritual dangers in the world which would do us harm. That is why we do not open our homes to the world’s entertainment. It can ruin the spiritual safety of the home for children to be exposed to the world’s way of life.

Birds are given instruction in the nest. You are given instruction in the home. You don’t learn only about food and safety. You are given spiritual instruction. You learn how God’s Word is our guide in telling us what is right and what is wrong. You learn what your duties are as godly sons and daughters, brothers and sisters and members of the church. You are learning about what your duties are in the home and in the kingdom of Christ.  … to be continued

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