Covenant Protestant Reformed Church
Rev. Angus Stewart
Lord’s Day, 18 December, 2005
“And above all these things put on charity, which is the
bond of perfectness” (Col. 3:14)
Morning Service – 11:00 AM
Christian Love (6)
I Corinthians 13:5a
I. In the Church
II. In the Home
III. In the World
Psalms: 33:1-7; 28:1-9; 131:1-3; 101:1-6
Evening Service – 6:00 PM
Heidelberg Catechism, Lord’s Day 11; Acts 4:1-22
I. Our Saviour From Sin
II. Our Complete Saviour
III. Our Only Saviour
Psalms: 18:1-7; 29:1-4; 80:1-3, 17-19; 118:17-26
For CDs of the sermons and DVDs of the worship services, contact Stephen Murray
If you desire a pastoral visit, please contact Rev. Stewart or the elders
CPRC Website: • Live Webcast:
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Quote to Consider:
Herman Hoeksema: “Our immediate concern is … with those who , while they loudly and emphatically proclaim that ‘Jesus saves,’ yet deprive Him of all power to save unless the sinner gives his consent. This is a great evil, and a very general and prevalent one in our day, all the more dangerous because those that thus preach Jesus ostensibly emphasize strongly exactly that which they, nevertheless deny: that Jesus saves. The name of Jesus is on the lips of many a preacher today, who, nevertheless, proclaims a Jesus that is impotent to save … For they do not mean that Jesus actually saves, but that He is willing to save provided the sinner gives his consent, will let himself be saved by Jesus; if not, their Jesus is powerless to save. In other words, they do not find in their Jesus absolutely all things necessary to save a sinner, and that, too, not a willing, but an unwilling sinner that is dead through trespasses and sins. And, therefore, it is not only proper, but urgently necessary for the church that prizes and would preserve the truth as it is in Christ, to emphasize that Christ is a complete, a perfect and only Saviour, and that He is not only willing, but powerful to save even unto the end. His name is called Jesus, ‘because he shall save His people from their sins’” (The Triple Knowledge, p. 454).
Announcements (subject to God’s will):
There are two new Standard Bearers available on the back table for subscribers.
Catechism: Today after the evening service with the Hamills Thursday at 5:30 at the Murrays
Bible Study will be held this week Wednesday at 7:45 PM at the manse. We will study John 10 and the elder’s work of shepherding.
Website: Now 113 of the 119 pamphlets on the CPRF website can be read on-line. Our thanks to those who helped type some of them.
CPRF Bookstore: We received our shipments of books from the U.S., so the bookstore is restocked.
The Reformed Witness Hour next Lord’s Day, 25 Dec. (8:30-9:00 AM, on Gospel 846MW), is entitled “Why Jesus Came” (I Timothy 1:15).
Rev. Stewart will give a lecture on “The Synod of Dordt” in Mountjoy Orange Hall near Omagh on Thursday, 12 January, 2006.
Last Week’s Offerings: General Fund – £1,036.50. Donations – £18.
PRC News: Rev. John Marcus was ordained as pastor of First PRC of Edmonton, Alberta this past Monday evening. Kalamazoo has a trio of Rev. A. Brummel (South Holland, IL), Rev. Dick (Grace, MI), and Rev. Slopsema (First, MI). Rev. Bruinsma is in Fayetteville, NC this weekend; and is planning to be installed as Eastern Home missionary on Feb. 12. The installation of Rev. R. Miersma as Loveland’s pastor has been scheduled for January 1.