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CPRC Bulletin – February 9, 2025


Covenant Protestant Reformed Church

83 Clarence Street, Ballymena BT43 5DR
Rev. Angus Stewart
Lord’s Day, 9 February, 2025

If the Son therefore shall make you free, ye shall be free indeed” (John 8:36)

Morning Service – 11:00 AM

The Old Testament Offerings (2)
The Peace Offering   [youtube]

Scripture Reading: Leviticus 3
Text: Leviticus 3

I. Its Distinctiveness Among the Bloody Offerings
II. Its Relationship With the Burnt Offering
III. Its Application to God’s People Today

Psalms: 66:8-17; 119:1-8; 56:3-12; 116:11-19

Evening Service – 6:00 PM

The Church of Christ   [youtube]

Scripture Reading: Isaiah 11
Text: Heidelberg Catechism, Lord’s Day 21

I. And Geography
II. And Time
III. And Me

Psalms: 22:26-31; 119:9-16; 18:43-50; 65:1-5

For CDs of the sermons and DVDs of the worship services, contact Stephen Murray
If you desire a pastoral visit, please contact Rev. Stewart or the elders

CPRC Website: • Live Webcast:
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Quotes to Consider

John Calvin on Leviticus 3:16: “Moreover, although there is a harsh metaphor contained in the word ‘food,’ yet it admirably expresses what the Holy Spirit would teach, that the legal service pleased God, just as the food which we eat is pleasing to us; whilst it at the same time marks God’s familiar communion with His people, as if He sat at the same table with them. It is indeed sure that God, who breathes life into all, and borrows nothing from any, does not want food; but His incomparable kindness could not be better shewn forth, than by deigning to make Himself, as it were, the messmate of His worshippers.”

John Calvin on Isaiah 11:11: “He confirms what he has said by another argument; for though it appeared as if God had disregarded his people, yet he will not allow himself to be deprived of his inheritance. We may sum it up by saying, that God will take care of the salvation of his Church, so as not to be robbed of his right. He expressly calls them a remnant, because this deliverance belonged only to a small seed (Isaiah 1:9; 10:22). In short, he repeats what he formerly said, ‘Though God disperse and scatter his Church, yet it is impossible that he can ever cast it away altogether; for it is as dear to him as our inheritance is to any of us’ … When the Prophet calls those whom he rescues a remnant, let us learn that we ought not to desire a vast multitude, and let us be satisfied, though we be few, and let us not be terrified by the smallness of our numbers; for, provided that the righteousness of God abound, we have true and abundant ground of confidence.”

Announcements (subject to God’s will)

Monday catechism classes:
5:00 PM: Hannah, Penelope & Xander (Seniors OT)
5:45 PM: Grace, Jonas, Liam & Sammy (Beginners OT – Book 2)
6:30 PM: Eleanora, Felicity, Jorja & Sophie (Juniors OT)
7:15 PM: Jason, Kyan, Maisie & Sebastian (Heidelberg Catechism – Book 1)
8:00 PM: Bradley, Jack, Josh, Samuel & Taylor (Essentials)

Tuesday Bible study will meet this week at 11 AM to look at Antioch in Syria, the sending church for Paul’s three missionary journeys.

The Belgic Confession class will meet on Wednesday at 7:30 PM considering Antichrist’s intellect.

Men’s Bible study is this Saturday, 15 February, at 7:30 PM on-line, to discuss Amos 8.

The Reformed Witness Hour broadcast next Lord’s day (Gospel 846 MW at 8:30 AM) by Rev. Haak is entitled, “The Secret Providence of God” (Rom. 8:28).

Offerings: £1,915.50. Donation: £200 (England).

Translation Additions: 1 Polish and 2 Russian.

PRC News: Hope PRC (Redlands, CA) called Rev. Bleyenberg (Lacombe, AB). Rev. Eriks (Unity, MI) declined the call to Grandville PRC.

Encouraging Quotes

“Today I finished reading Union With Christ. This book is so good … the chapters are full of doctrinal and theological truths which are clearly presented and easy to understand. I’m very grateful for the books and resources you kindly send me, and also for the wonderful CPRC website … I’m enjoying the Commentary on the Belgic Confession of Faith by Engelsma.” – Lincolnshire

“The books and magazines you sent have arrived. I really like them a lot. Thank you so much.” – Brazil

“I subscribe to the Covenant Reformed News … I also just subscribed to The Standard Bearer as well. I have been following CPRC sermons and those of the PRCA for about six months. I am so very grateful for the work you do.” – Georgia, USA

“I am writing to thank you for the CPRC website [Spanish materials]. I was reading about the Perichoresis and I found your website. I really enjoyed the article about John of Damascus. Excellent. God bless you.” – Cuba

“I listened to ‘The Baptism and Calling of the Children of Believers’ this morning. It was a very well spent 52 or so minutes! In my view one of the most important points is that Paul is addressing the children in the congregation; this is so often overlooked. Also the point that they are members of the church because he is giving them commands which only the regenerated can obey, the carnal having not so much as the desire to please God.” – Co. Down

“I was delighted with the two copies of Crowning His Gifts by [Prof.] Brian Huizinga. I’d like to buy a third copy.” – West Midlands

“Thank you for the copies of the Covenant Reformed News during this past year. I have enclosed a cheque to cover P&P … I am looking forward to the publishing of further books by the RFPA during the coming year!” – S. Wales

“I continue to uphold the CPRC in my prayers that the good work that God has started … can exist for many years to come. The CPRC may well be one of the last few standing churches I see. Nothing is so distressingly painful to me to witness such corruptions in Christendom in recent years.” – Malaysia

“I recently found your website and have read some of your articles on free will. I was greatly blessed.” – Texas, USA

“I enjoyed Prof. Douglas Kuiper’s talk on ‘The Proper Method of Bible Interpretation: Grammatical-Historical-Spiritual.’ It very much highlighted my lack of proper Bible study and what needs to be done to correct it.” – Rep. of Ireland

“I am enjoying the CPRC sermons and love listening to the live Sunday ones. They come at a perfect time right before we leave for our home church. Though I don’t listen each week, I love the Wednesday Bible study too.” – East Michigan, USA

“You just can’t imagine what I found today [in the post]. Look at these resources! I just don’t know how and what to say. Thanks so much. These books are so rich. I personally have looked through the contents. They make me salivate. God bless you so much.” – Kenya

“I’m very grateful for your prompt supply of A Pilgrim’s Manual and associate reading matter that was generously included in the bundle of ‘good things’ from the CPRC which arrived today. In love to Christ for His faithful church in Ballymena.” – Dorset

“Thank you very much for your teaching [in your French AI video on ‘Calvin’s Doctrine of Justification’].” – France

“I have just watched the debate with Mr. Foster regarding exclusive Psalmody on YouTube and found it very interesting … I think the Psalms represent human experience with God much better than anything man can write, which is usually full of sentimentality. Mr. Foster had very little to offer apart from man’s own thoughts on the subject and couldn’t address the biblical points made by yourself … if you have a song book composed by God and one composed by men, why wouldn’t you use the best one?” – Co. Antrim

“I don’t know if you hear it enough, but through sermons and website resources, you are doing the Lord’s work fighting against the devil and his lies. I don’t know if [my denomination] will stand against the great deceiver who is yet to come. We seem to be swept a little further and further with each wave of false doctrine and cultural pressure that come in.” – New Jersey, USA

“I listened to the CPRC sermon on the Heidelberg Catechism Lord’s Day 6 last night. I’m thankful for the great quotes on Psalm singing. Every blessing.” – S. Wales

“It was a great delight to receive your package in the mail today containing … copies of Malcolm Watt’s booklet God’s Hymnbook for the Christian Church. I was even more delighted to discover three other booklets supporting exclusive Psalmody (one by Prof. Herman Hanko, one by Rev. Jason Kortering and another by Prof. Barry Gritters), along with 12 back issues of the Covenant Reformed News and a copy of the Standard Bearer. I feel sure I will be greatly blessed as I read all you have sent. I have also visited your website—another gold mine of good Reformed resources!” – Australia

“Being so blessed by this pamphlet [i.e., Herman Hoeksema, ‘The Millennium’]. This explanation makes so much sense! Best material I’ve read on Revelation thus far!” – Netherlands

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