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CPRC Bulletin – February 23, 2020

Covenant Protestant Reformed Church

83 Clarence Street, Ballymena BT43 5DR
Rev. Angus Stewart

Lord’s Day, 23 February, 2020

“Put on therefore, as the elect of God, holy and beloved, bowels of mercies,
kindness, humbleness of mind, meekness, longsuffering …” (Col. 3:12)

Morning Service – 11:00 AM – Rev. M. McGeown

Jesus Feeds a Multitude of Five Thousand  [youtube]

Scripture Reading: Matthew 14:1-21
Text: Matthew 14:14-21

I. The Impossible Need
II. The Miraculous Provision
III. The Spiritual Significance

Psalms: 111:1-6; 126:1-6; 78:14-25; 105:38-45

Evening Service – 6:00 PM – Rev. M. McGeown

Jesus Walks on the Sea of Galilee  [youtube]

Scripture Reading: Matthew 14:22-36
Text: Matthew 14:23-33

I. The Disciples’ Need
II. The Saviour’s Coming
III. The Disciples’ Response

Psalms: 24:1-6; 127:1-5; 93:1-5; 77:16-20

For CDs of the sermons and DVDs of the worship services, contact Stephen Murray
If you desire a pastoral visit, please contact Rev. Stewart or the elders

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Quote to Consider

A. W. Pink: “Frequently our circumstances are dark, and conditions are all against us. We cry to the Lord, but he ‘does not come.’ But let us remind ourselves that God is never in a hurry. However much the petulance of unbelief may seek to hasten his hand, he waits his own good time. Omnipotence can afford to wait, for it is always sure of success. And because omnipotence is combined with infinite wisdom and love, we may be certain that God not only does everything in the right way, but also at the best time” (Exposition of John 6, p. 308).

Announcements (subject to God’s will)

We welcome Rev. & Larisa McGeown to our worship services. Rev. McGeown will be preaching for us today, while Rev. Stewart is in the Limerick Reformed Fellowship.

A letter from the Philippines is on the back table.

Our thanks to William & Alison Graham for once again organizing the congregational dinner—always an enjoyable evening!

The Council has granted the request of Philip & Susan Hall for the baptism of their infant son, Micah. Baptism is planned for the morning service on 1 March.

Monday catechism classes:
5:30 PM – Angelica, Bradley, Josh, Samuel & Taylor (Seniors NT)
6:15 PM – Corey & Katelyn (Juniors OT)
7:00 PM – Alex, Jacob & Nathan (Essentials)

Tuesday Bible Study meets at 11 AM at church to discuss the knowledge of faith.

Belgic Confession class meets on Wednesday at 7:45 PM to consider further Anabaptist views of the state and “the Perfection of Christ” (Article 36).

S. Wales Lecture: Rev. McGeown will give a lecture on “The Canon of Sacred Scripture” at Margam Community Centre this Thursday at 7:15 PM. Please remember this witness and the saints in S. Wales in your prayers.

The Reformed Witness Hour broadcast next Lord’s Day (Gospel 846 MW at 8:30 AM) by Rev. R. Kleyn is entitled, “May God’s Will Be Done” (Luke 11:2).

The Council’s next meeting is Monday, 2 March, at 7:45 PM.

The next Lord’s Supper is scheduled for 29 March.

Offerings: General Fund: £695.50. Donation: £200 (Scotland).

Translation Additions: 3 Spanish.

PRC News: Rev. Barnhill (Peace, IL) declined the call to Kalamazoo PRC. Cornerstone PRC has a new trio of Revs. De Boer (Edgerton, MN), J. Engelsma (Doon, IA) and Smidstra (Holland, MI).

Our All-Sufficient Saviour

Rev. Jason Kortering
(an article in The Standard Bearer, volume 54, issue 11)

Frustrating, isn’t it, how we can have good days and bad days.

Good and bad, that is, regarding faith.

One day we can be so strong, we smile; the next day we can be so cast down, the whole world is shrouded with clouds.

Sometimes we may experience this when the circumstances of our lives change. Our health may become shattered with the intrusion of cancer. Our marriage may be broken by the cold hand of death. The routine of our lives may be brutally interrupted by the “tragedy” of an accident. Of course, our response is drastic. We cry; we are crushed; we groan in our distress. And soon we rise above the blow and begin to see life in a different perspective. Life is never the same, but we go on. Soon the sunshine breaks through the clouds.

Our deepest frustration, however, is not at such times. Far more difficult for us is the up and down, the good and bad days, when the circumstances in our lives are the very same. For some of us it may be that our lives are filled with goodness from the Lord. We are healthy; we have work to do so that we are not bored with life; we have a happy marriage; we are blessed with healthy, active children. Yet, within the framework of so many blessings, we can one day be exhilarated, our faith life shines with the lustre of heaven, we are thankful—and anyone looking at us can see it. Yet, a short time later, for no apparent reason, we can be down, depressed; we can’t seem to get ourselves together, and we walk around as if the whole world is crushing us to pieces.

That’s frustrating!

The same is true for many of you who have grave trials in your lives. You are weeping because you are lonely, death has struck your home. You have known pain because of disease or surgery. You have to carry a great burden either because of your affliction or because you have to help a loved one who is afflicted. Sometimes you have days when the light of heaven shines upon you and you know contentment. Oh, not that it is easy on those days, but your outlook is bright and that makes such a difference. And, before you know it, maybe the very next day, you are crushed beneath the load. The circumstances are the very same, yet you feel gloom; you cry with self pity; it seems too much; you are discouraged.
That’s frustrating!

What must we do? The Word of God gives us direction.

It is true that we may console ourselves to a certain degree that such is the character of our life as long as we are on this side of the grave. We can certainly turn to many examples of Scripture to see God’s saints in their ups and downs, Jacob from Bethel to Peniel, Elijah from Carmel to the juniper tree, Jonah from Nineveh to sulking under the withered gourd.

There really is no comfort in this. It helps us to understand that such trials are common to God’s people, but it doesn’t solve the problem.

Let me suggest that you read again Matthew 14:22-33.

We see in this experience of Peter a spiritual lesson. He walked on the water. He had “good days.” The storm didn’t make him afraid; the waves didn’t seem to bother him; he walked to Jesus.

But, when he looked at the wind and waves, he became afraid (v. 30). He began to sink and he cried, “Lord, save me.” And Jesus stretched forth His hand and caught him and said, “O thou of little faith, wherefore didst thou doubt?” (v. 31). In other words, Peter’s down days were due to his lack of faith. He was preoccupied with the storm rather than with the presence of Jesus. It was a time of “little faith.”
The outstanding truth in this entire passage is that salvation is completely in the Lord Jesus. He Himself walked upon the water! He is the Lord of life; He is our Redeemer and Saviour who has also become our Lord. He died for our sins. He made complete satisfaction so that the billows of God’s wrath are forever taken away from us, His people. He has received of the Father the Holy Spirit whereby He is able to impart to us a living faith.

Whether we are up or whether we are down, He saves us.

There is more, however, to instruct us.

We also learn of our relationship to Him. We like to have strong days, we like to be “up.” How can that be? Only one answer is obvious: “Look to Jesus!”

Concentrate upon the Lord, learn His will, contemplate His great salvation, search the Scriptures, and prayerfully ask for His presence and strength, and we will walk upon the water. Grace and wisdom and all spiritual blessings come from Him through faith. Faith looks upon Jesus. There is no boast when we are “up.” We are able to do all things through Christ who strengtheneth us.

We also learn what to do when we are “down.” There is something wrong with our faith; it is weak. Rather than looking at Jesus our Saviour, we are looking at our own problem, we are feeling sorry for ourselves, we are engrossed in the hardship of life rather than looking at Jesus who promises to give us strength no matter what the need. That really is sin. Listen to Peter, “Lord, save me!” Oh, yes, when we are “down” we need salvation! We need our faith strengthened, we need grace, we need the Holy Spirit. Do you do the right thing when you are down? We must turn to Jesus, read His Word, pray for salvation, for a lifting up of our souls to the God who loves and cares for us. And He does just that. Jesus reached down and lifted Peter and gently reprimanded him.

We have an all-sufficient Saviour.

In doubt and temptation I rest, Lord, in Thee;
My hand is in Thy hand, Thou carest for me;
My soul with Thy counsel through life Thou wilt guide,
And afterward make me in glory abide.

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