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CPRC Bulletin – January 20, 2008

Covenant Protestant Reformed Church


Rev. Angus Stewart

Lord’s Day, 20 January, 2008

“Blessing, and glory, and wisdom, and thanksgiving,

and honour, and power, and might,

be unto our God for ever and ever” (Rev. 7:12)

Morning Service – 11:00 AM Rev. D. Kleyn

Desiring the Pure Word

I Peter 2:1-3

I. The Sincere Milk of the Word

II. The Command to Desire It

III. The Incentives Given

Psalms: 103:1-5; 112:1-6; 119:105-112; 19:7-11

Evening Service – 6:00 PM Rev. D. Kleyn

Thanks for Victory in Christ

I Corinthians 15:57

I. Our Victory in Christ

II. Our Thanks for It

Psalms: 124:1-8 (AOS); 112:5-10; 73:23-28; 23:1-6

For CDs of the sermons and DVDs of the worship services, contact Stephen Murray
If you desire a pastoral visit, please contact Rev. Stewart or the elders

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Quote to Consider:

Martin Luther: “It should be settled as fundamental, and most firmly fixed in the minds of Christians, that the Holy Scriptures are a spiritual light far brighter even than the sun, especially in what relates to salvation and all essential matters … Bible-reading is something to which Christ and the Apostles urgently exhort us” (The Bondage of the Will, pp. 99, 125).

Announcements (subject to God’s will):

Rev. Kleyn will be preaching for us again today. Rev. & Sharon Kleyn return to the U.S. tomorrow. Everyone is invited to stay for tea after the evening service to bid farewell to the Kleyns.

The Standard Bearers are available on the back table today.

As part of our sister-church relationship, the PRCA conducts annual church visitation with the CPRC Council. This past Monday, Rev. Kleyn and Elder Jim Holstege met with the Council to do this. On the back of the bulletin are the set questions that are asked during this visitation.

Catechism Classes: Monday, 5:30 PM at the Murrays Monday, 7:00 PM with the Campbells at the manse. Thursday, 7:00 PM at the Hamills

Women’s Bible Study meets this Tuesday, 22 January, 10:30 AM at the Murrays.

Membership Class: Tuesday, 8:30 PM at the Hallidays

Midweek Bible Study will be held on Wednesday, 7:45 PM, at the manse. We will continue our study of II Timothy 2:22ff.

Offerings: General Fund – £691.90. Donations: £70 (building fund), £100 (Limerick).

The Reformed Witness Hour next Lord’s Day (8:30-9:00 AM, on Gospel 846MW), is entitled “Fearfully and Wonderfully Made” (Psalm 139:14).

Upcoming Lectures: 1 Feb., Rev. Stewart, “Lessons from the Reformation for Today,” in S. Wales. 14 March, Rev. Stewart, “God’s Magnifying His Word,” in Limerick.

Website Additions: 1 Chinese and another 25 Italian translations were added. Rev. Kleyn’s lecture in Limerick on “Living Antithetically in a Technological Age,” is also on-line (

PRC News: Rev. Haak (Georgetown, MI) is considering a call from the Calvary PRC in Hull, Iowa. Rev. Laning (Hope, MI) is considering a call to be missionary to the Philippines.

Questions for Church Visitation

Questions to the Full Consistory

  1. Is the Word administered at least twice on the Lord’s Day?

  2. Is the Heidelberg Catechism regularly explained in the services for divine worship, so that no doctrine is left untreated?

  3. In the reading services, are sermons used as much as possible which are produced in our own circle?

  4. Is the Lord’s Supper celebrated at least four times a year, preceded by a preparatory sermon, and followed by an applicatory sermon?

  5. Does the consistory see to it that catechism classes are regularly conducted? Does the consistory determine the material for instruction? And does it see to it that the classes are regularly attended?

  6. Are consistory member chosen in agreement with the rules of the Church Order?

  7. Does the consistory meet regularly in accord with the needs of the congregation, at least once a month?

  8. Are all matters coming before the consistory treated according to our Church Order, and are the minutes properly recorded and kept?

  9. Is censura morum conducted among the members of the consistory before each Lord’s Supper?

  10. Is family visitation conducted faithfully, so that each family receives an official visit once a year?

  11. Is church discipline faithfully exercised according to God’s Word and the Church Order?

  12. Is the consistory aware whether there are members of secret organisations in the congregation, and if so, is church discipline applied to them?

  13. What is the spiritual condition of the congregation? Is there unity, peace, and love?

  14. Do the children of the congregation, when they come to years of discretion, seek admission to the Lord’s Supper? And if they are remiss, are they pointed to their obligation and treated as the need requires?

  15. Is the congregation busy in the extension of God’s kingdom, especially in the promotion of missions, to the best of its ability?

  16. Are the synodical assessments faithfully paid, in agreement with the stipulated regulations?

  17. Are the funds of the church and the poor fund and all proofs of possessions kept in a safe place so that no occasion is given for mistrust nor difficulties can arise on leave of office or death, and is the congregation properly incorporated with the State? Are the archives in order?

  18. Does the consistory see to it that the parents send their children to the Christian school?

  19. Are the Forms of Unity signed by all the members of the consistory, the ministers, elders, and deacons?

Questions to the Elders and Deacons in the Absence of the Minister

  1. Does the minister in the preaching and in the administration of the sacraments do his work faithfully according to the Word of God, the Forms of Unity, and the Church Order?

  2. Does the minister faithfully explain God’s Word so that the congregation is built up through his preaching?

  3. Does he regularly conduct the catechism classes, visit the sick faithfully, and take part in family visitation?

  4. Does the minister reveal himself as a worthy example?

  5. Is he devoted as much as possible to the exercise of his office?

  6. Does he receive sufficient income to take care of the needs of his family, taking in consideration the character of his work?

Questions to the Minister and the Deacons in the Absence of the Elders

  1. Do the elders regularly attend the services for divine worship as well as the consistory meetings?

  2. Do they at set times attend the catechism classes to see how they are conducted and attended; and do they assist the minister when the need requires it in catechising?

  3. Do they see to it that Christian discipline is exercised, and that everything is done honourably and in good order?

  4. Do the elders visit the sick and others in agreement with the calling of their office?

  5. Do they try to prevent and remove all offence in the congregation, and try to comfort and instruct the members?

  6. Do they conduct themselves as examples to the congregation in their family and outward walk of life?

Questions to the Minister and Elders in the Absence of the Deacons

  1. Do the deacons attend regularly the services for divine worship as well as the consistory meetings; and in case such meetings are held, do they also attend deacons’ meetings?

  2. Are they diligent in the collecting of the alms, and do they faithfully realise their calling in the care and comfort of the poor and oppressed?

  3. Are the collections counted in the presence of the minister or one or more of the elders?

  4. Do they administer the finances wisely, in consultation with the minister and the consistory?

  5. Do they, in their family and outward life and walk, reveal themselves as exemplary Christians?

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