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CPRC Bulletin – July 28, 2019

Covenant Protestant Reformed Church

83 Clarence Street, Ballymena BT43 5DR
Rev. Angus Stewart

Lord’s Day, 28 July, 2019

“Put on therefore, as the elect of God, holy and beloved, bowels of mercies,
kindness, humbleness of mind, meekness, longsuffering …” (Col. 3:12)

Morning Service – 11:00 AM

The Idolatry of Micah and Dan (2)
Micah’s New Priest  [youtube]

Scripture Reading: Judges 17
Text: Judges 17:7-13

I. The Sojourning Levite
II. The Amicable Arrangement
III. The Foolish Hope

Psalms: 23:1-6; 107:17-25; 132:11-18; 131:1-3

Evening Service – 6:00 PM

Honouring God’s Name  [youtube]

Scripture Reading: Psalm 96
Text: Heidelberg Catechism, Lord’s Days 36-37

I. By Swearing Solemnly
II. By Confessing Faithfully
III. By Worshipping Reverently

Psalms: 5:7-12; 107:26-31; 66:1-7; 86:8-13

For CDs of the sermons and DVDs of the worship services, contact
Stephen Murray
If you desire a pastoral visit, please contact Rev. Stewart or the elders

CPRC Website: • Live Webcast:
CPRC YouTube:
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Quotes to Consider

Matthew Henry on Judges 17:7-13: “No marvel if those who can make any thing serve for a god can also make any thing serve for a priest.”

Herman Hoeksema: “This positive meaning of the third commandment covers a wide field and implies that in all our walk and conversation we confess the name of the God of our salvation in Christ Jesus and glorify our Father in heaven. It means that we develop, maintain, and defend the truth of the word of God over against all heresy; that we do so privately and individually in the world and over against the apostatizing church; and that we maintain the truth over against all false doctrines in the preaching of the word … The third commandment also implies that all our walk and conversation are clear testimonies that we know and love the name of Jehovah, our covenantal God in Christ Jesus, and that we glorify him ‘in all our words and works.’ It implies that whenever we use the name of our God, we do so in the consciousness that we stand in his holy presence and are filled with a sense of his glory” (Love the Lord thy God, pp. 254-255).

Announcements (subject to God’s will)

Public worship is a sacred activity in which we unite to exalt our covenant God, praise Him and listen to the preaching of His holy Word. As such, Jehovah calls us to come punctually to the services (Ps. 63:1), be reverent in our behaviour (Ex. 3:5), be sincere in our praise and prayer (John 4:24), and be silent when the Triune God speaks in the preaching (Hab. 2:20).

The Belgic Confession Commentary, volume 2 by Prof. Engelsma is now available on the back table for £20.

Tuesday Bible Study meets at 11 AM to consider the consecration of New Testament priests in connection with that of Old Testament priests.

A barbecue is planned for a Friday evening during the remainder of the summer holidays. More information will be provided when a date commends itself.

The Reformed Witness Hour broadcast next Lord’s Day (Gospel 846 MW at 8:30 AM) by Rev. Griess is entitled “Total Depravity (2)” (John 6:44, 65-66).

Are Unbelievers in God’s Image? This is the topic that Rev. Stewart (via phone link) will discuss on Iron Sharpens Iron Radio on Tuesday, 6 August, from 4-6 PM (Eastern Time in the US) or 9-11 PM (GMT) (

The next Council meeting will be Monday, 19 August, at 7:30 PM.

S. Wales Lecture: Rev. Stewart will speak in Margam Community Centre on Thursday, 5 September, at 7:15 PM on “The Peace Offering.”

Offerings: General Fund: £1,302.48. Solar panels remittance for the last year: £1,813.51.

PRC News: Redlands PRC called Candidate Matt Kortus.

PRCP News: Rev. Ibe (Berean PRCP) accepted the call from Bulacan PRCP to serve as missionary pastor to the saints in Albuera, Leyte.

Encouraging Quotes

“Good to chat with you. I appreciate your stand on divorce and adultery. This is a matter of concern because it affects my mother’s church. Four members are sadly adulterers. The pastor is so weak, liberal and nice that he wouldn’t offend anyone. I fear for that church’s future … Thank you for the pamphlets on divorce and remarriage, and trade unions. It is good to be challenged. I enjoyed yesterday’s service and find your ministry very helpful, edifying and challenging. I look forward to the Lord’s day. You and the saints at Ballymena are a great blessing.” – England

“I’ve just watched the debate with David Antwi on Revelation TV. You did well against the onslaught! Pentecostalism (signs and wonders, tongues, gifts) definitely takes the focus off the Bible and onto man.” – Co. Down

“I’ve solidified my understanding of the myth of common grace and the ethical view of the image of God. I think Luther had it 100% correct. I had lots of time to study ‘The Image of God in Man: A Reformed Reassessment’ today. It was so helpful.” – S. Wales

“I’ve been watching on-line for two months. I think there have been great sermons by Rev. Angus Stewart and as of last worship with Rev. Justin Smidstra. Any way to give on-line? Thank you for all the godly edifying words, seasoned with grace. I have listened to the entire series of teachings on love (I Cor. 13). To God be the glory.” – Finland

“Recently I wrote you about how I had been converted to paedobaptism. However, the truths about covenant theology eluded me for the most part because I was too ill to read the books the PRC had so kindly sent me. Providentially, this past Lord’s Day, I listened to Rev. Stewart’s sermon live entitled ‘Feed My Lambs’ … I wrote Rev. Stewart an emotional e-mail filled with questions about his sermon. He was patient and kind, as usual, and suggested I try to read The Covenant of God and the Children of Believers by Prof. Engelsma. Our Lord enabled me to be strong enough to read and then to understand everything I read. Prof. Engelsma did an amazing job explaining the errors … Obviously I will be rereading this over and over.”
California, USA

“This morning, I finished listening to the Romans 4 sermons for the second time. That Jesus was raised because of our justification is a really wonderful teaching. It is a great comfort to me to know that my sins are therefore blotted out and that I am covered by the righteousness of Christ. The Lord bless and keep all of the CPRC. With great gratitude …” – Yorkshire, England

“By God’s grace, we send you attached Be Ye Holy Foreword and Chapter 1 in Russian. Great book for truly Christian education for walking in holiness!”- Belgium

“Thank you for your note. It was good to hear from you. If you have volume 1 of the Jude sermons on CD, perhaps you could let me have a copy with this order and invoice me for it. I enclose a cheque for the books and volume 2 of the sermons on Jude 12-25. Every blessing.” – Wolverhampton, England

“Thanks for the cooperation in the translations. It was a great opportunity to study a little your position on many subjects (e.g., the covenant idea of baptism and the position of children of believers in the congregation, etc.). I have also heard some sermons of yours. Do you and your church/congregation think about Poland as a mission field? It is strange, but we have very few Protestant (Presbyterian-type) churches in our country. Is the Arminian theology so strong? I do not think so! Perhaps, people are not interested in the sound doctrine!” – Poland

“I watched the sermon on ‘Comparing Ourselves with Others’ (II Cor. 10:12). It was convicting!” – S. Wales

“I would very much like advice and direction on my Christian walk. I am from a Presbyterian church, but it is not based on the three creeds of which your church believes. I am fully convinced of the sound and true doctrine. I have been reading for some time through the articles on the website.” – Brazil

“May I take this opportunity to thank you for sending the Covenant Reformed News to my husband. He was always pleased to receive it.” – Scotland

“I am a biblical Lutheran and I have always been very interested in the Reformed doctrines and the Heidelberg Catechism, especially since I retired and almost at the same time I had a stroke two years ago. I came across the website of the CPRC, and I read it and enjoy it because there is a lot of food for thought.” – Spain

“I have recently discovered your debates from YouTube. I too believe the gifts have ceased and was impressed with the exegesis of the passages in those debates. Thank you for your ministry and I pray God’s blessings on the Word to the glory of God. I have also subscribed to your CPRCNI YouTube channel and am systematically going through its sermons.” – Arkansas, USA

“I enclose a cheque to cover the cost of two books I ordered on-line today: Herman Hoeksema’s Communion with God and In the Sanctuary. I thoroughly appreciate the writings of Herman Hoeksema with an Amen and Amen!” – Devon, England

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