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CPRC Bulletin – June 14, 2015

Covenant Protestant Reformed Church

83 Clarence Street, Ballymena BT43 5DR
Rev. Angus Stewart
Lord’s Day, 14 June, 2015

“And be not conformed to this world: but be ye transformed
by the renewing of your mind …” (Rom. 12:2)

Morning Service – 11:00 AM

The Wonder of Christ’s Sufferings     [youtube]
Scripture Reading: Mark 15:1-28
Text: Heidelberg Catechism, Lord’s Day 15

I. The Requisite Sufferer
II. The Appropriate Sufferings
III. The Substitutionary Sufferings
Psalms: 92:1-2, 12-15; 106:26-33; 69:1-4, 20-21; 22:13-20

Evening Service – 6:00 PM

The Christian’s New Standard of Judgment   [youtube]
Scripture Reading: II Corinthians 5
Text: II Corinthians 5:16

I. Not Knowing Christ After the Flesh
II. Not Knowing Men After the Flesh
Psalms: 118:1-9; 106:34-42; 75:4-10; 16:1-7

For CDs of the sermons and DVDs of the worship services, contact Stephen Murray
If you desire a pastoral visit, please contact Rev. Stewart or the elders

CPRC Website: • Live Webcast:
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Quote to Consider

Herman Hoeksema on Lord’s Day 15: “… only the Son of God could truly bear the wrath of God in His suffering, and taste the awful reality of that wrath in all his passion; only the Son of God in the flesh could sustain that wrath of God to the end, without being crushed under it, and becoming utterly lost in everlasting desolation; only the Son of God in the flesh could make of that suffering an act, and that, too, an act of perfect obedience, so that His passion and death became the perfect Yes over against the No of sin, the only atoning sacrifice. And so, only by the suffering of the Son of God in the flesh could our redemption from everlasting damnation be accomplished, and could there be obtained for us the grace of God, righteousness, and eternal life” (The Triple Knowledge, vol. 1, pp. 632-633).

Announcements (subject to God’s will)

The PRC Synod declared that it had no objections to our sister church relationship with the CERC in Singapore and expressed its joy over the bond. This means that the sister church relationship between our churches is now official. Let us continue to pray for our new sister church in Singapore and for her mission work in Kolkata, India. Let us also continue to look for ways to give expression to this relationship, that it may be spiritually profitable for both of our churches.

On the back table are new RFPA book catalogues (the titles can be purchased from the CPRC Bookstore). For RFPA book club members, Prof. Hanko’s new commentary on James, Faith Made Perfect, is available.

The Tuesday Bible study will meet at 11 AM to study Hosea on agriculture.

Everyone is invited to a barbecue at the manse this Friday, 19 June, at 6:30 PM or as soon as you can make it thereafter. Please let Rev. or Mary Stewart know if you are able to come.

The Reformed Witness Hour broadcast next Lord’s Day (Gospel 846MW at 8:30 AM) by Rev. Haak is entitled “God’s Rule of Conduct for Marriage” (Col. 3:12-13).

Upcoming Lectures:
Friday, 26 June, “What Is a Protestant?” in Portadown Town Hall at 7:30 PM.
Thursday, 2 July, “The Holy Spirit” by Rev. McGeown in S. Wales.

Offerings: General Fund – £490.42. Building Fund – £190.40.

Website Addition: 2 Javanese, 1 Indonesian and 2 Hungarian translations.

PRC News: Rev. R. Kleyn declined the call to be missionary in the Philippines. Peace PRC’s new trio is Revs. Eriks (Hudsonville, MI), Huizinga (Redlands, CA) and Key (Loveland, CO).

Protestant Reformed Synod 2015 Summary

Synod 2015 elected as officers the following men: President: Rev. S. Key; Vice President: Rev. C. Haak; 1st Clerk: Rev. D. Kuiper; 2nd Clerk: Rev. A. Brummel.

In addition to the 20 delegates and 3 professors, Synod seated delegates from our sister churches: Deacon Tang Yoon Chuan from the Covenant Evangelical Reformed Church in Singapore and Deacon Philip Hall from the Covenant Protestant Reformed Church in Northern Ireland.

A highlight of the synod was the specimen sermon and examination of Mr. Ryan Barnhill. As the examination proceeded, Seminarian Barnhill demonstrated humility and godliness, along with a thorough knowledge of the Reformed faith and the ability to define and prove those truths from the Bible. We rejoice in God’s gift of another candidate for the ministry to the churches.

Synod approved the work of the Domestic Mission Committee (DMC) in Pittsburgh thanking Rev. Bruinsma and Southwest PRC for their work. Rev. Bruinsma was present to speak of the challenges of 17 years of labours with not much more to show in terms of numbers. He expressed encouragement in seeing a united core group that loves the truth and interacts well with the many visitors they continue to see at worship services and lectures. The DMC and Southwest, along with the Fellowship and missionary, believe that God continues to give an open door to the spread of the gospel in the Pittsburgh area. The DMC announced that they are preparing a proposal for a second home missionary which they hope to present to Synod 2016. The proposed budget was approved for 2016.

Synod approved the work of the Foreign Mission Committee (FMC) in the Philippines. Rev. Smit, previous missionary to the Philippines, was granted permission to speak and spoke of the great need for assisting the Protestant Reformed Churches in the Philippines with theological training for their students. Synod thanked Rev. Daniel Kleyn and his wife for their faithful labours, along with Doon PRC for their work as calling church. Pray that God will provide labourers for the harvest!

Synod approved the work of the FMC regarding Myanmar and India where they are working with Hope PRC and Georgetown PRC with a view to developing new fields of labour in those lands.

Synod approved an overture from the FMC that expands the policy of synod regarding payment for the travel of wives accompanying their husbands on official delegations. Previously men needed to be gone for 4 Sundays and their wives present for at least 14 days in order for their travel to be covered. The new policy places the responsibility on the standing committees to approve coverage on a case by case basis in situations they believe the presence of the wife will be of benefit to the delegation.

Synod treated the work of the Contact Committee (CC) with both the CERC of Singapore and the CPRC of Northern Ireland. Deacon Tang and Deacon Hall addressed synod on behalf of their respective congregations. Another highlight of synod was the receipt of a joint letter from the two churches expressing their desire to establish a sister church relationship with each another. Synod not only expressed no objections but great joy and thankfulness to God for this manifestation of the unity and catholicity of the church.

Synod approved the work of the CC with the EPC of Australia and approved a 2017 conference to be held in Australia. Synod also expressed approval of the CC’s work with the BERG in Germany and declared that their explanation regarding the differences between the PRCA and the BERG satisfied the requirement of Synod 2014. Representatives from the BERG plan to be in Grand Rapids later this year. Synod approved the CC once again sending visitors to NAPARC and granted them an extended deadline regarding the mandate of Synod 2014 “to study and recommend what guidelines synod would follow to determine whether and how to participate in an ecumenical council of churches.” Synod approved the request of the CC to send a delegation to Namibia and South Africa in 2016 in response to an invitation from two consistories.

Synod noted that the sale of the parsonage in NI has been finalized. Synod expressed deep gratitude to God and presented plaques of tributes of thanksgiving for Mr. David Ondersma (13 years as treasurer) and Mr. Don Doezema (20 years as stated clerk), both of whom are retiring from their respective positions after synod.

Synod approved a recommendation of the Theological School Committee (TSC) to begin the transition plan for the replacement of the current faculty in 2017 with subsequent appointments in 2019 and 2021. Approval was given for the relocating of the seminary driveway, resurfacing the parking lot and bringing in city water. Synod approved the recommendation of the TSC regarding live streaming of student examinations when feasible, reserving for itself the right not to do this any given year. No permanent record will be retained of those exams. Three students were admitted to the seminary for next year: Mr. Matthew Kortus, Mr. Jacob Maatman and Mr. Darren Vink. Synod expressed gratitude to the professors and support staff of seminary for their work.

Rev. Van Overloop was elected to replace Mr. Doezema as Stated Clerk and Mr. Doezema agreed to fill the remaining one year term of Rev. Van Overloop’s assistant Stated Clerk position. The position of treasurer will be filled by the assistant treasurer this year while the board seeks suitable candidates for the position.

Synod 2016 will be held in Hull, IA.

Synod adjourned Friday. The chairman, Rev. Key, offered a prayer of thanksgiving for the unity that prevailed during the deliberations of synod and asked God to use the decisions for the good of the church of Jesus Christ.

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