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CPRC Bulletin – June 16, 2013

Covenant Protestant Reformed Church

83 Clarence Street, Ballymena BT43 5DR
Rev. Angus Stewart
Lord’s Day, 16 June, 2013

“But thou, O Lord, art a God full of compassion, and gracious,
longsuffering, and plenteous in mercy and truth” (Psalm 86:15)

Morning Service – 11:00 AM – Rev. M. McGeown

Bruised Reeds and Smoking Flaxes  [youtube]
Scripture Reading: Matthew 12:1-23
Text: Matthew 12:20

I. Their Identity
II. Christ’s Care of Them
III. Their Future Blessedness
Psalms: 8:1-9; 37:22-25; 147:1-11; 103:13-19

Evening Service – 6:00 PM – Rev. M. McGeown

Pursued by the Shepherd’s Goodness   [youtube]
Scripture Reading: Psalm 23:1-6
Text: Psalm 23:6

I. The Meaning
II. The Assurance
III. The End
Psalms: 77:14-20; 37:26-34; 5:7-12; 23:1-6

For CDs of the sermons and DVDs of the worship services, contact Stephen Murray
If you desire a pastoral visit, please contact Rev. Stewart

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Quote to Consider

John Calvin on Psalm 23:6: “By this concluding sentence he manifestly shows that he does not confine his thoughts to earthly pleasures and comforts; but that the mark at which he aims is fixed in heaven, and to reach this was his great object in all things. It is as if he had said, I do not live for the mere purpose of living, but rather to exercise myself in the fear and service of God, and to make progress daily in all the branches of true godliness.”

Announcements (subject to God’s will)

We welcome Rev. McGeown to our worship services today. He will be preaching for us while Rev. Stewart takes the services in the LRF.

Copies of Prof. Engelsma’s new book, Battle for Sovereign Grace in the Covenant: The Declaration of Principles, are available on the table in the narthex for RFPA Bookclub members. Bookclub members can either pay the RFPA directly or give Rev. Stewart £13 for him to pay it on your behalf. We have only received copies for Bookclub members, but do not have any for the bookstore yet.

The main entrance to the church building will be locked during the singing of the first psalm and for the remainder of the service starting today. We realise that this may bring a certain inconvenience, but it is standard policy in many churches and is aimed at the personal security of all of us and our children.

William Mawhinney, Ivan Mawhinney and Alan Hermon met with a committee from the Council to request membership in the CPRC. The men showed good understanding of and agreement with the doctrines taught in our church and desire to live a new and godly life. The men first attended one of our lectures in Lurgan two years ago and have been coming to our services especially since November. They passed on their membership papers from Shankill Baptist and Ballygomartin Presbyterian churches in Belfast. The Council has granted their request. May the Lord bless them in their membership of the CPRC.

S. Wales Lecture: Rev. Stewart will give a lecture in Porthcawl this Wednesday, 19 June, on “Rest for the People of God.”

The Men’s Bible Study will meet this Saturday, 22 June, at 8 PM at the Kennedys.

The Reformed Witness Hour broadcast next Lord’s Day (Gospel 846MW at 8:30 AM) is entitled “A Dress Code for Marriage” (Col. 3:12-13).

Next Lord’s Day evening will be preparatory with a view to celebrating the Lord’s Supper on Sunday, 30 June.

Offerings: General Fund – £818.70. Donations: £25 (CR News), £50 (website).

PRCNews: Doon PRC will call from a trio of Revs. Haak, R. Kleyn and W. Langerak. Faith PRC called Rev. Spronk (Peace, IL) and Randolph PRC called Rev. R. Kleyn (Spokane, WA).

Report of Synod 2013 in Hudsonville PRC

Monday, June 10, 2013: The pre-synodical service was held at Hudsonville PRC. Rev. Steve Key, the president of Synod 2012, preached on Psalm 133, reminding us to celebrate and give thanks to God for the unity He has given to our churches, as is evident from the items in the agenda of synod. There was also a time for prayer to thank God and to ask His blessing upon the work of synod and our denomination.

Tuesday, June 11, 2013: After opening devotions led by Rev. Key, the president of Synod 2012, synod elected new officers: President – Rev. Ron Van Overloop; Vice-President – Rev. James Laning; First Clerk – Rev. Doug Kuiper; Second Clerk – Rev. Garry Eriks. Rev. Van Overloop welcomed, on behalf of synod, Mr. Wee Gim Theng, a delegate from our sister-church in Singapore, and Mr. Ivan Reid, a delegate from our sister-church in Northern Ireland.

The synod and its visitors assembled in the sanctuary of Hudsonville PRC to hear the sermon of Mr. Erik Guichelaar. Synod unanimously approved his sermon, stating that the sermon demonstrated that Mr. Guichelaar has the gifts to preach a sermon for the edification of God’s people. Synod took this opportunity to thank God for the sermon and to thank the seminary faculty for their faithful labours.

Wednesday June 12, 2013: The truth of God’s Word that unifies our churches was confessed as Mr. Erik Guichelaar was examined in the sections of Reformed Dogmatics. From 8:00am until noon, Mr. Guichelaar answered questions in Theology, Anthropology, Christology, Soteriology, Ecclesiology and Eschatology. He gave a good account of his knowledge of the truth.

Synod treated the material of eastern home missions. Rev. Bruinsma addressed synod, expressing the greetings of the Pittsburgh Fellowship to synod and reporting on recent developments in the work in Pittsburgh and Cranberry. Synod took the opportunity to thank Rev. Bruinsma for using the gifts God has given him in the service of the church.

Synod granted to Prof. Cammenga permanent tenure as Professor of Dogmatics and Old Testament. It was reported that Prof. Cammenga successfully completed his Masters degree. Synod took the opportunity to thank God for the gifts He has given to Prof. Cammenga and his use of them in the service of our churches. Synod approved a partial sabbatical for Prof. Gritters during the 2013/2014 school year. A highlight of synod was admitting nine men into our seminary beginning in the fall. Although we can be thankful for a class of nine men, synod noted that more men are still needed for future ministers in our denomination.

Thursday, June 13, 2013: Mr. Erik Guichelaar successfully sustained his examination before synod. He was examined in Church History, Church Polity, OT History, NT History and Practica. With thanks to God, synod approved his examination and declared Mr. Guichelaar a candidate of the ministry of the Word and Sacraments eligible for call on or after July 13, 2013. As churches, we have many reasons to give thanks – for the truth of God’s Word, the gifts God has given to this young man who confessed the truth so beautifully and a seminary which faithfully teaches these truths so the churches receive the truth each Sunday.

In the afternoon, synod dealt with two other significant matters concerning our seminary. First, Prof. Cammenga notified synod that he accepted the permanent tenure that synod approved Wednesday. Second, synod expressed a special word of thanks to Don Doezema for his many years of faithful service as registrar of the Theological School and for the many other duties he has diligently performed for our seminary for the past 25 plus years. The occasion for this special thanks is Mr. Doezema’s retirement this year from the position as Seminary registrar. Mr. Chuck Terpstra will be taking this position.

For the rest of the afternoon, synod discussed and took decisions regarding the the advice of a study committee that Synod 2012 appointed. The synod decided to approve parts of the recommendation, which make changes to the Constitutions of the Foreign Mission Committee and the Domestic Mission Committee.

Friday, June 14, 2013: When synod made decisions regarding the work in the Philippines, Rev. Smit, one of our missionaries in the Philippines, addressed synod. He expressed the gratitude of the missionaries to the churches for their interest in and support of Christ’s work in the Philippines. Rev. Smit also brought the greetings of the churches with whom they work in the Philippines by reading a letter of greeting from the combined consistories of the Berean PRC and the First Reformed Church of Bulacan. Rev. Van Overloop expressed words of thanks for the dedicated labours of Rev. Smit, Rev. Kleyn and their families, on behalf of our churches.

When synod approved the work of the Contact Committee, the delegates from our sister-churches were given opportunity to address synod. Mr. Wee Gim Theng, the elder representative from the Covenant Evangelical Reformed Church of Singapore, read a letter of greeting from the Session of the ERCS. Mr. Ivan Reid, an elder representative of the Covenant PRC in Northern Ireland, informed synod of the peace and prosperity in the congregation, their ongoing work in Wales and Limerick, and the busy labours of their pastors. He expressed the gratitude of the CPRC for all the support the PRC has given them. Synod also expressed thanks to both men for the blessings of the sister-church relationship we enjoy with them.

Much of the work of synod on the last day was the approval of different financial matters of our denominational work. Synod approved budgets for the denominational committees, subsidy requests for the smaller churches of the denomination and emeritation requests for our retired pastors.

Hope PRC will host Synod 2014, which will convene on Tuesday, June 10, 2014.

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