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CPRC Bulletin – June 19, 2011

Covenant Protestant Reformed Church


Rev. Angus Stewart

Lord’s Day, 19 June, 2011

“Those that be planted in the house of the Lord

shall flourish in the courts of our God” (Ps. 92:13)

Morning Service – 11:00 AM

The Son’s Messianic Kingdom (3)

The Begotten Son

Scripture Reading: Acts 13:22-48

Text: Psalm 2:7

I. The Glorious Manifestation of the Son

II. The Divine Nature of the Son

III. The Eternal Generation of the Son

Psalms: 118:17-26; 103:16-22; 16:6-11; 2:1-8

Evening Service – 6:00 PM


Let Us Not Be Weary in Well-Doing

Scripture Reading: Galatians 5:13-6:10

Text: Galatians 6:9

I. The Temptations to Be Weary in Well-Doing

II. The Motivation Not to Be Weary in Well-Doing

Psalms: 23:1-6; 104:1-7; 27:9-14; 37:29-37

Contact Stephen Murray for CDs of the sermons and DVDs of the worship services.

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Quote to Consider:

John Calvin on Psalm 2:7: “This expression, to be begotten, does not therefore imply that he then began to be the Son of God, but that his being so was then made manifest to the world … He who had been hidden from the beginning in the sacred bosom of the Father, and who afterwards had been obscurely shadowed forth under the law, was known to be the Son of God from the time when he came forth with authentic and evident marks of Sonship … We must, at the same time, however, bear in mind what Paul teaches, (Romans 1:4) that he was declared to be the Son of God with power when he rose again from the dead, and therefore what is here said has a principal allusion to the day of his resurrection.”

Belgic Confession Article 10 – That Jesus Christ Is True and Eternal God: “We believe that Jesus Christ, according to his divine nature, is the only begotten Son of God, begotten from eternity, not made nor created (for then he should be a creature), but co-essential and co-eternal with the Father, the express image of his person, and the brightness of his glory, equal unto him in all things. He is the Son of God, not only from the time that he assumed our nature, but from all eternity, as these testimonies, when compared together, teach us. Moses saith, that God created the world; and John saith, that all things were made by that Word, which he calleth God …”

Announcements (subject to God’s will)

On the back table today is the June issue of the Covenant Reformed News.

This evening’s service will be preparatory with a view to partaking of the Lord’s Supper next Lord’s Day morning. Rev. McGeown will be taking the service and preaching for us while Rev. Stewart preaches in the LRF.

This Friday, 24 June, at 7:30 PM is the lecture on “For Whom Did Christ Die?” in Lurgan Town Hall. Anyone interested in a lift to the lecture, contact Rev. Stewart.

Saturday, 11 AM, family visitation with Rev. McGeown.

The Reformed Witness Hour broadcast next Lord’s Day (Gospel 846MW at 8:30 AM) will be “Keeping The Lord’s Day Holy” (Hebrews 10:24-25) by Rev. Haak.

Men’s Fellowship will meet on Saturday, 9 July, at 8 PM at the Kennedys to study Daniel 4.

Offerings: General Fund – £391.17. Donation: £150 (CR News).

Website Additions: Two German translations were added.

PRC News: The Protestant Reformed Theological Seminary is planning a 2-day conference on 16-17 September, entitled “1611-2011: Celebrating the 400th Anniversary of the King James Version.” There will be 3 speeches, one on Friday evening and two on Saturday morning (

Highlights of Synod 2011

Grandville Protestant Reformed Church

June 13-17

Monday, June 13, 2011: The pre-synodical service was held at Grandville PRC. Rev. Ron Van Overloop, the president of Synod 2010, preached a sermon on Titus 1:1-4. reminding us that we do our work as the slaves of Jesus Christ.

Tuesday, June 14, 2011: Synod began its work by electing officers: President – Rev. Jim Slopsema; Vice-President – Rev. Ken Koole; First Clerk – Rev. Doug Kuiper; Second Clerk – Rev. Garry Eriks. Synod also took the time to welcome Rev. Martyn McGeown, who is attending synod as a representative of our sister-church in Northern Ireland.

After these beginning decisions were taken, the synod and its visitors heard the sermons of Mr. Nathan Decker, Mr. Brian Huizinga and Mr. Jonathan Mahtani. Synod approved the sermons, agreeing that the sermons were Reformed and that the men displayed the gifts to preach a sermon for the edification of God’s people.

Wednesday June 15, 2011: Mr. Decker, Mr. Huizinga and Mr. Mahtani were examined in Dogmatics. From 8:30am until about 3:00pm, with a couple of breaks, Prof. Cammenga examined these three men on the following subjects of Dogmatics: Introduction to Dogmatics, Theology, Anthropology, Christology, Soteriology, Ecclesiology and Eschatology. These young men gave a good account of their understanding of the foundation of the church.

Synod treated the material of eastern and western home missions so that Rev. Bruinsma, our eastern home missionary, could be present before he returned home. Rev. Bruinsma thanked the Domestic Mission Committee and Southwest PRC’s Council for their faithful work and support. He took time to explain briefly the steady progress being made in Pittsburgh.

Synod then dealt with a proposal from the Domestic Mission Committee to call a western home missionary. Synod declared the proposal of the DMC to call a western home missionary to be not legally before it because this matter did not appear in the printed agenda. One of the rules of synod states, “No proposals of importance shall be presented to synod that have not appeared on the Agenda, so that consistories and classes may have opportunity for previous deliberation.”

Thursday, June 16, 2011 was a day of great rejoicing for Synod 2011 and the Protestant Reformed Churches for two reasons. The first is that synod approved the examinations of Mr. Nathan Decker, Mr. Brian Huizinga and Mr. Jonathan Mahtani, declaring them candidates of the ministry of the Word and Sacraments eligible for call on or after 16 July, 2011. These men were examined in Church History, Church Polity, OT History, NT History and Practica.

The second reason for great joy at synod was the decision taken by unanimous vote to establish a sister-church relationship with the Covenant Evangelical Reformed Church in Singapore. Although Synod 2011 approved this action, the actual relationship will not be implemented until Synod 2012, the Lord willing, to make sure our other sister-church, in Northern Ireland, has no objections. May the Lord bless this relationship!

Friday, June 17, 2011: The Contact Committee’s “sacred duty,” according to the preamble of its constitution, is “to manifest the true unity and catholicity of the church on earth in as far as that is possible.” Synod heard from the CC how they are carrying out this sacred duty with many contacts which are at different stages of contact: our sister-church in N. Ireland; Evangelical Presbyterian Church in Australia with whom we have a corresponding relationship; contacts in Germany, Uzbekistan, Namibia, Heritage Reformed Congregations, Portugal; and attending NAPARC. In many instances, synod simply approved the CC’s work with these contacts, but there are a few things that should be noted as highlights.

  • The CC reported that Revs. Koole and A. Lanning attending the 50th Anniversary celebration of the EPC in Australia. Rev. Koole spoke at the celebration and our delegation had a one-day conference with some of the ministers of the EPCA.

  • Rev. M. McGeown addressed synod on behalf of the CPRC in NI, expressing the warm greetings of our sister. He also expressed thanks for the many benefits enjoyed in the relationship and informed synod about the missionary work being done in Limerick. Rev. Slopsema asked Rev. McGeown to express the greetings of the PRCA to the saints in N. Ireland and Limerick and the thanks we have for the sister-church relationship. Synod approved providing financial support for the mission work in Limerick.

  • Synod approved sending observers to the 2011 meeting of NAPARC.

  • The CC reported that the six churches in Namibia responded positively to the delegation’s presentations of the PRCA and our distinctives, but more visits are necessary to get to know each other better. Since the delegation returned these six churches have not extended another invitation for us to return because of internal struggles that have required their undivided attention. The CC informed synod concerning recent developments in these churches, which indicate they want to continue this contact—these churches have decided to present to their classis a report of their meetings with our delegation in the summer of 2010 with the desire that the classis would begin corresponding with us. Synod approved sending another delegation to Namibia when an invitation for such a delegation is given.

In the afternoon, Synod treated the material of the Foreign Mission Committee because Rev. Smit, one of our missionaries in the Philippines, was present. The highlight of the afternoon was Rev. Smit’s address to synod concerning the ongoing work in the Philippines. He gave a brief update of the work being doing in the Berean Protestant Reformed Church and in the other congregations with whom they work. After making decisions concerning the work in the Philippines, synod also approved the FMC’s work of investigating Myanmar as a possible field of mission labour.

Synod will resume Monday morning at 8:30am at Grandville PRC, DV.

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