Covenant Protestant Reformed Church
Rev. Angus Stewart
Lord’s Day, 22 June, 2008
“Happy is he that hath the God of Jacob for his help,
whose hope is in the Lord his God” (Ps. 146:5)
Morning Service – 11:00 AM
The Sacrament of (Infant) Baptism
Deuteronomy 6:6-7
I. The Teacher
II. The Teaching
Psalms: 146:1-8; 130:1-8; 127:1-5; 78:4-8
Evening Service – 6:00 PM
Preparatory for the Lord’s Supper
God’s Lovingkindness Better Than Life
Psalm 63:3
I. The Wonderful Confession
II. The Solid Reason
III. The Necessary Fruit
Psalms: 112:1-6; 131:1-3; 42:1-5; 63:1-8
For CDs of the sermons and DVDs of the worship services, contact Stephen Murray
If you desire a pastoral visit, please contact Rev. Stewart or the elders
CPRC Website: • Live Webcast:
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Quotes to Consider:
Prof. Engelsma: “Parents must guard against leaving the impression with our children that what really matters with us is their intelligence, their looks, their popularity, their athletic prowess, and their earthly success. What we are teaching them then is something that is contradicted by the gospel we believe. We are teaching them that we accept them on the basis of their works. This is contrary to the gospel of justification and acceptance by faith in Jesus Christ alone. Then we are busy raising proud children who can perform these works, or despairing children who find themselves unable to accomplish these works. We must be clear in our own minds, and we must clearly show to our children, that what ultimately matters with us is that they are covenant children in very deed, adopted children of God who believe in Jesus Christ for salvation and who walk, imperfectly, but victoriously, in obedience to the commandments of God.”
J. Miller: “Few things are more important in a home than its conversation, and yet there are few things to which less thought is given. The power to communicate good which lies in the tongue is simply incalculable. It can impart knowledge, utter words that will shine like lamps in darkened hearts, speak kindly sentences that will comfort sorrow or cheer despondency … why should we ever pervert these gifts and use our tongues to do evil, to give pain, to scatter seeds of bitterness?”
Announcements (subject to God’s will):
This morning we witness the baptism of Samuel Ian William Graham. May God’s blessing be upon William & Alison as they raise Samuel in the fear of the Lord.
We will have a preparatory service this evening with the view to partaking of the Lord’s Supper next Sunday morning, 29 June.
Everyone is invited to a barbecue at the manse this Friday at 6:30 PM or as soon as you can make it thereafter. Please let the Stewarts know if you are planning to come so that they know how much food to prepare.
The Reformed Witness Hour next Lord’s Day (8:30-9:00 AM, on Gospel 846MW), is “Plainly the Christ” (John 4:8-11) by Rev. W. Bruinsma.
Upcoming Lectures: Friday, 4 July, S. Wales, on “Prayer & the Sovereignty of God”
Martyn McGeown will give a word of edification on 6 July (AM) and 17 August (AM & PM).
Offering: General Fund – £458.13. Donations: £45 (Limerick).
Website Additions: 1 Ukrainian, 2 Spanish (including 1 pamphlet), 3 Italian (2 forms and a chapter from Gerrit Vos’ book The More Glorious Covenant), 4 Afrikaans, and 4 Portuguese translations were added this week.
PRC News: This past Wednesday, Faith PRC (Jenison, MI) held a worship service to organise their daughter congregation called Providence PRC. Synod concluded this past week. A report from Synod is available on the back table.
Encouraging Quotes
“I remain thankful for the tapes from Ballymena and for RFPA books. At times I have a tremendous sense of God’s mercy to me in that I was brought many years ago now to this unique source through which He blesses me. The darkness and blindness around is so obvious (Hosea 4:6).” – Warwickshire
“I have just finished listening to the exclusive psalmody debate (mp3) … I found that the opponent to exclusive psalmody did not present a biblical argument … The worst problem for me in going to your site, is that I, as a baptist, have to go to a Presbyterian site to get good, solid, and sound preaching! … I would like your permission to use your evangelistic pamphlets …” – Alaska, USA
“Once again, many thanks [for the pamphlets] and our prayers are always with you and your work. Every week I tell new people of your website.” – Co. Antrim
“Greetings with much love in our Lord! … I had ordered pamphlets through the CPRC’s website, but I did not expect to receive them so easily. But in any case, a big thanks! I have greatly enjoyed reading them … I am amazed at how much the CPRC has grown under the direction and guidance from the PRCA. That you all were once a fellowship, and now instituted as a church and growing tremendously in the Reformed faith is nothing more than the Lord’s blessings upon the CPRC.” – Singapore
“I attended the meeting last night at Porthcawl, South Wales … We want to express our sincere thanks to you for the message … I took your yellow leaflet, ‘What is the Reformed Faith?’ and have just read it right through. I was impressed with your sound Reformed position …” – S. Wales
“Thank you so much for the very prompt and personal response to my request. I have indeed seen the Afrikaans pieces, and the translation of Prof. Engelsma’s article on covenant universalism came precisely at a time when I was trying to fathom the scope of the ‘federal vision.’ To read it in my own language was a great help.” – South Africa
“Thank you for sending the Covenant Reformed News; I find it very helpful. Please continue sending it. Please send me one company of the pamphlets ‘The Reformation and Twentieth Century Protestantism’ and ‘What it Means to be Reformed.’” – Lancashire
“Through your ministry and the Reformed Free Publishing Association, I have come out of Arminianism and embraced the biblical doctrines of Calvinism. I severed any ties that I previously had with an apostate church … and since that time have been seeking a church that has the three marks of a true church and follows the regulative principle of worship … I eagerly await your forthcoming sermons as they always prod me on to the faithful service of my Lord and Saviour Jesus Christ.” – Ohio, USA
“I want to thank you for your fine article on ‘Adoption’ which I stumbled on while on the internet. You hit the nail on the head when you said that it is a greatly neglected doctrine—and it has been neglected to the detriment of the church …” – London
“How dare you tell the truth about Saint Patrick! … I have to admit I enjoyed your speech, though I am surprised you don’t mention his connection to Slemish … I used to live in Ballymena, but live now in Lundsbrunn …” – Sweden
“I listened to two lectures, ‘Homosexuality’ and ‘The Baptism with the Holy Spirit’ and agreed with both 100% … I am sick of cheap Christianity where you can believe and do whatever you want without any church oversight or care.” – Sligo
“Just to let you know the CR News has arrived safely today, and I will be busy getting them out to friends and family once again. Many thanks for sending them so regularly, among all of the other work you are involved in! I have enjoyed greatly watching the DVD of the debate between yourself and the Rev. Antwi, and must invite some friends to watch it too. We are so thankful that the Lord is doing such a great work among the saints in Ballymena, including adding to your number recently the young man from Italy …” – New Zealand
“I really enjoyed [the pamphlet] ‘Reformation or Revival.’ The former is what is greatly needed here and worldwide to bring nations back to the one true Creator God and His Son, our Lord Jesus Christ.” – Devon
“Back in February, a fellow pastor and I visited some Reformed churches in Yangon, Myanmar, and while we were there we were delighted to be able to provide them with the Heidelberg Catechism in Burmese. Your website was our source …” – Idaho, USA
“Thank you so much for all the help and for all the sound doctrine I receive from yourself in understanding God’s work.” – Co. Tyrone