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CPRC Bulletin – March 7, 2004

Covenant Protestant Reformed Church


Rev. Angus Stewart

Lord’s Day, 7 March, 2004

“Because thy lovingkindness is better

than life, my lips shall praise thee”

(Psalm 63:3)

Morning Service – 11:00 AM

Christian Marriage & Singleness (10)

The Cares of Marriage

I Corinthians 7:32-35

I. Unmarried Life

II. Married Life

III. Weighing It All Up

Psalms: 119:1-8; 97:8-12; 63:1-8; 62:1-2, 5-8

Evening Service – 6:00 PM

Heidelberg Catechism, Lord’s Day 51, Matt. 18:15-35

Forgive us Our Debts

I. The Subject of the Prayer

II. The Objects of the Prayer

III. The Request of the Prayer

Psalms: 138:1-5; 98:1-4; 69:4b-9; 130:1-8

For CDs of the sermons and DVDs of the worship services, contact Stephen Murray
If you desire a pastoral visit, please contact Rev. Stewart or the elders

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Quotes to Consider:

John Calvin on I Corinthians 7:32: “… it is of advantage for those who resolve to marry, to be forewarned of those inconveniences, that they may not afterwards, on meeting with them unexpectedly, give way to despondency. This we see happens to many, for having promised themselves unmixed honey, on being disappointed in that expectation, they are very readily cast down by the slightest mishap.”

Herman Hoeksema on the fifth petition: “That is the amazing wonder and boldness of this petition. We do not say: ‘Father, last week we sinned,’ or, ‘Yesterday we sinned,’ or, ‘This morning we sinned; please forgive.’ But we say: ‘Father, we are sinning all the time. We are sinning at this very moment, while we are praying. Please dismiss our debts from Thy book, and clothe us with righteousness in Thy judgment. And Father, we must have an answer. Please give us the unspeakably blessed assurance and peace of forgiveness in our hearts.’ This is indeed a great wonder! We are, of course, very much used to the idea, at least to the sound of the words, ‘forgiveness of sins.’ Perhaps we are so accustomed to it that we hardly ever feel the amazing marvel of it all.”


On the back table, there are letters on Common Grace published in the British Church Newspaper.

The Standard Bearers (which some directly received on Wednesday) and Beacon Lights are available today. There is an excellent article on the Assurance of Faith in the Standard Bearer.

Any RFPA book club members who received Unfolding Covenant History, vol. 4, and who would prefer not to pay the RFPA directly in American dollars, please give Rev. Stewart your account number and £11 and he will pay for you.

Catechism classes meet this week Monday at the Crossetts and Thursday at the Hamills.

Bible Study will be held on Wednesday at 8 PM at the manse on the millennium (Rev. 20).

The Reformed Witness Hour next Lord’s Day, 14 March, (8:30-9:00 AM, on Gospel 846MW) is “Jesus Mocked by the Soldiers” (Mark 15:16-20).

Last Week’s Offerings: £761.10. Donation: £10 (tapes).

PRC News: Rev Terpstra (Holland) declined the call to Lacombe. Classis West met in regular session this past Wednesday in Redlands, CA. The Classis treated and gave approval to 4 consistories to proceed to the 2nd step of discipline according to Article 77 of the Church Order and gave one consistory approval for the erasure of a baptized member. One appeal regarding discipline was not sustained. A few classical appointments and delegates to Synod were assigned. The next meeting of Classis will be held in Randolph, WI.

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