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CPRC Bulletin – March 17, 2013

Covenant Protestant Reformed Church

83 Clarence Street, Ballymena BT43 5DR
Rev. Angus Stewart
Lord’s Day, 17 March, 2013

“Those that be planted in the house of the Lord
shall flourish in the courts of our God” (Ps. 92:13)

Morning Service – 11:00 AM – Rev. C. Haak

The Quest for Wisdom  [youtube]
Scripture Reading: Job 28
Text: Job 28

I. Illusive
II. Discovered
III. Priceless
Psalms: 93:1-5; 48:1-5, 8b-10; 111:4-10; 119:33-40

Evening Service – 6:00 PM – Rev. C. Haak

Forsaken So That I Will Never Be   [youtube]
Scripture Reading: Mark 15:22-39
Text: Mark 15:33-37

I. Thick Darkness
II. God-Forsaken Cry
III. Blasphemous Mockery
IV. Wonderful Triumph
Psalms: 31:1-6; 29:1-5; 56:3-12; 22:1-7

For CDs of the sermons and DVDs of the worship services, contact Stephen Murray
If you desire a pastoral visit, please contact Rev. Stewart

CPRC website:
CPRC YouTube:
CPRC Facebook:

Quote to Consider

Herman Hoeksema: “Higher than the heavens, deep as hell, is the mystery of the suffering and death of our Saviour. For higher than the highest heavens is the mercy of God of which it is the revelation; and deep as hell is His Holy wrath and justice against sin that by this suffering is fully satisfied. If you can imagine all the suffering of mankind compressed into one awful agony, you could not fathom or comprehend the passion of our Lord that reached its climax on the accursed tree, and finally pressed from His dying lips the agonizing cry: ‘My God, my God, why hast thou forsaken me?’ Who could endure suffering as He, the Son of God in human flesh, could endure? Who could taste the pains of hell as He, very God and very man, could taste them? Who could feel the anguish of being forsaken of God as He, the Servant of Jehovah, could feel it? To Whom could the wages of sin be more bitter than to Him, Who knew no sin, but was made sin for us?” (When I Survey, p. 203).

Announcements (subject to God’s will)

We welcome Rev. Carl Haak and Elder Peter VanderSchaaf to our worship services today. Rev. Haak will be preaching for us at both services. Everyone is welcome to stay for tea after this evening’s service.

Rev. Stewart’s bi-monthly letter to the PRC is on the back table today.

Thank you to all who helped out for yesterday’s conference, bringing food, setting up, cleaning, distributing flyers, etc. All of it made for an enjoyable and profitable day.

Monday Catechism:
6 PM – O.T. Beginners (Bradley & Alex)
6:45 PM – N.T. Juniors (Nathan, Jacob & Joseph)
7:30 PM – Heidelberg (Timothy)

The Tuesday morning Bible study will be held this week at 11 AM. Rev. Haak will lead a discussion on Christian Discipleship.

Rev. Haak’s lecture on “Life in Heaven” is this week Wednesday at 7:30 PM. Plan to come, spread the word and invite others!

The Reformed Witness Hour broadcast next Lord’s Day (Gospel 846MW at 8:30 AM) is entitled “Tetelestai – It is Finished” (John 19:30) by Rev. R. Kleyn.

Philip and Susan Hall have requested baptism for their son, Lucas Joshua. The council has gladly granted this request and baptism is scheduled for the morning of 14 April (when Susan’s sister, Stephanie, is to be with us).

S. Wales Lecture: Rev. Stewart will speak on “The Spirit of the Age and the Church” in Porthcawl at 7:15 PM on Thursday, 18 April.

Offerings: General Fund – £513.70. Donation: – £200 (DVDs).

Website Addition: 1 Hungarian translation was added.

PRC News: Rev. Griess declined the call to Randolph PRC. Doon PRC will call from a trio of Revs. Eriks, Haak and Spronk.

Encouraging Quotes

“I’m just re-reading The Reformed Worldview by D. Engelsma and H. Hanko. It is so very, very edifying that I want to give a copy to the pastor here. Could you please send me another copy?” – Yorkshire, England

“Sometimes I wish I lived in the UK, as we have nothing [like the Belgic Confession Class] in the United States. Every so-called biblical class or seminar is seemingly on God’s love for all men. It’s amazing how far behind we are on issues of scriptural truth. God bless.” – Idaho, USA

“Thank you very much for your article on the ‘Rich Young Ruler.’ I have heard many sermons on this text by Reformed men and they have all said that he went away unsaved, and have never spoken of the look of love that the Lord gave him. I have never agreed with them, and have asked them why they believe this, but I think they must believe that God loves everyone … Would you please send me Herman Hoeksema’s Communion With God.” – Scotland

“I really appreciate your articles and insights, but I do not understand English. Marco Barone has indicated me your Italian web page. I have found helpful teachings for my own edification. They have assured the doctrines that I believed in my mind but that I had difficulty understanding. I thank God for His means and for the development of His kingdom.” – Italy

“Thank you for Prof. Hanko’s A Pilgrim’s Manual on I Peter. I think the older one gets, at least for me, the more one feels like a stranger, an alien, in this world and that even the longest life is very short. I find it well to be reminded that we as believers are just passing through as it were, all pilgrims on a journey from death into life, from darkness into increasing light, until we live forever in the eternal presence of uncreated lights: there is no night there. Such a ‘manual’ that helps answer the question ‘How then must a pilgrim, torn between this world and the next, walk in all the relationships of this life?’ can only be a comfort and a support … The Prof.’s commentary on Galatians has been much appreciated, particularly as he treats on the biblical truth of federal headship. Once that is understood so much more falls naturally into place, and displays the perfect harmony of God’s revealed will concerning our redemption, His holiness and love, His grace and mercy, His justice and righteousness—who but the Almighty could have thought of such a plan, let alone carried it out!” – W. Midlands, England

“A friend forwarded me a copy of your CR News. It was quite a blessing. Would you please add me to your e-mail list? We would love to receive it.” – USA

“Please send me the Covenant Reformed News [in Hungarian] monthly by e-mail and also to my post address. After reading it, I would pass it to my congregations and to the youth in e-mail.” – Hungary

“I wanted to write to you to thank you for speaking the truth on remarriage. I am a believer. I came to faith while I was separated. I wanted to stand and wait for my husband to return to me but this wasn’t encouraged by the church and by Christians in general. After 7 years apart from my husband he asked for a divorce. I remarried shortly after. I always had an unease in my spirit about the remarriage but no one else seemed to share my feelings. We had two children. After 7 years I ended the marriage. It was gut wrenching to have a second broken family. The Lord led me back again to my stand for my first covenant marriage. My two children from by second marriage are fine. They understand what Scripture says about marriage being a lifelong commitment. I wanted to really encourage you to speak out, even if there are children born in non-covenant marriages this is still no excuse to stay in adultery. I have peace now. The perfect peace of Christ and I am willing to be reconciled with my first husband if he ever wants this. If not, I have the Lord as my husband and I remain celibate for life. Glory to God.” – USA

“Our small group listened last week to your sermon on justification (Calvin Conference). We all thought that it was excellent, truly biblical.” – France

“I just finished listening to your series of sermons on hating your family, cross bearing and forsaking all [in Luke 14]. Thank God for His Word. A child of God really needs to be in constant prayer and reliance on God to perform this high calling. Thank you.” –Singapore

“I would like to thank you for all your faithfulness over the past year, for sending me all your sermons. I look forward to listening to them each week. I would thank you for taking time to do this labour of love. I would like to get to the meetings you advertise but as I cannot drive now because of my eyesight and ill health I cannot go to the places I would like to go. May the Lord richly bless your ministry and your fellowship in the incoming year.” – Co. Antrim

“Just a wee note to thank you for the material sent to me. Most grateful. I pray that this coming year you will be blessed in all that you do in the name of Christ and that the church in Ballymena will grow in numbers and strength of faith.” – Scotland

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