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CPRC Bulletin – March 29, 2015

Covenant Protestant Reformed Church

83 Clarence Street, Ballymena BT43 5DR
Rev. Angus Stewart
Lord’s Day, 29 March, 2015

“And be not conformed to this world: but be ye transformed
by the renewing of your mind …” (Rom. 12:2)

Morning Service – 11:00 AM

Administration of the Lord’s Supper
Drawing From the Wells of Salvation   [youtube]

Scripture Reading: Isaiah 11:1-12:6
Text: Isaiah 12:3

I. The Meaning
II. The Drawing
III. The Joy
Psalms: 114:1-8; 102:1-8; 104:10-16; 36:5-10

Evening Service – 6:00 PM

Imitators of God     [youtube]

Scripture Reading: Ephesians 4:20-5:12
Text: Ephesians 5:1-2

I. The Meaning
II. The Manner
III. The Possibility
Psalms: 105:1-7; 102:9-14; 8:1-7; 103:11-17

For CDs of the sermons and DVDs of the worship services, contact Stephen Murray
If you desire a pastoral visit, please contact Rev. Stewart or the elders

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Quote to Consider

John Calvin: “We shall benefit very much from the Lord’s Supper if this thought is impressed and engraved upon our minds: that none of the brethren can be injured, despised, rejected, abused, or in any way offended by us, without at the same time, injuring, despising, and abusing Christ by the wrongs we do … that we cannot love Christ without loving Him in the brethren; that we ought to take the same care of our brethren’s bodies as we take of our own; for they are members of our body; and that, as no part of our body is touched by any feeling of pain which is not spread among all the rest, so we ought not to allow a brother to be affected by any evil, without being touched with compassion for him. Accordingly, Augustine with good reason frequently calls this Sacrament ‘the bond of love.’”

Announcements (subject to God’s will)

After a week of self-examination, confessing members in good standing are called to partake of the sacrament of the Lord’s Supper. Your participation in the Lord’s Supper is in part a witness that you repent of your sins, believe that Jesus Christ is your righteousness and desire to live a new and godly life. As this heavenly food can be taken to one’s judgment (I Cor. 11:28-30) and as the common reception of this food is a confession of doctrinal unity (Acts 2:42), the elders supervise the partaking of the sacrament. Visitors who are members of other denominations must request permission from the Council.

The March Covenant Reformed News is on the back table along with Rev. Stewart’s bi-monthly letter to the PRC.

A new RFPA book, In the Beginning God, is available for RFPA book club members.

The Tuesday Bible study will meet at 11 AM to begin our study of Hosea.

The Belgic Confession Class on Wednesday at 7:45 PM will continue Article 25 looking at more OT passages predicting the abrogation of the ceremonial law.

The Reformed Witness Hour broadcast next Lord’s Day (Gospel 846MW at 8:30 AM) by Rev. R. Kleyn is entitled “Burning Hearts and Opened Eyes” (Luke 24:13-35).

Lurgan Lecture: Rev. Stewart will speak at the Lurgan Town Hall on “The Threat of Rome to Protestant Churches Today” on Friday, 10 April, at 7:30 PM.

S. Wales Lecture: On Thursday, 23 April, Rev. McGeown will give a lecture on “Christian Comfort” at the Round Chapel in Port Talbot.

Offerings: General Fund – £577.47.

PRC News: Rev. Griess (Calvary, IA) declined the call to Peace PRC.

If you haven’t registered for the 2015 Protestant Reformed Young People’s Convention, now is the time! Registration ends 20 May. You can register at Remember to return all necessary forms to the address provided on the response e-mail.

No Need for Anvils

Brian D. Dykstra

Though it has been many years since I last trod the asphalt path to our Seminary’s front door, a professor’s voice still fills the hallways of my mind, as he spoke to his students. His words addressed a debate which was taking place in some denominations. “Don’t give us doctrine, Reverend, give us practice. We do not need cold doctrine. Just preach to us about how to live. That was the demand of many church members,” he said. The professor then stressed to us that doctrine is life. What you believe, what you really believe in your heart, not what you say you believe, but what you really believe, will determine how you live your life.

The doctrine of God’s covenant not only determines how we live in our homes, but it also determines how we treat our students in our classrooms. It is a doctrine which distinguishes us.

Teacher to Teacher is a publication of the Bob Jones University Press which is sent to Christian school teachers across the country. A recent article was titled, “Forging Lives.” A teacher reported about a class trip taken to a museum in Vermont. A blacksmith there demonstrated how he changed the shape of metal by heating and pounding. Reflecting on this the author wrote, “How like me, I thought. As a teacher, my primary duty was to change the shape of my students into the image of Christ.”

It is evident the author views students not as members of God’s covenant, but as those who need converting. Many Christian schools view their “mission” as the saving of the children who populate their buildings. As a teacher, I already feel the great responsibility of dealing with other people’s children for a significant portion of the day for a sizable percentage of a year. I could not imagine the weight I would feel on my shoulders if I were to believe that I actually was responsible, even in the smallest way, for changing students into the image of Christ or bringing them to faith.

The article continues, “Our God is a consuming fire. Unless our students come into regular contact with Him—and that contact melts them into pliable forms, we are wasting our time. What can we do to help? Our very lives must become the live coals off God’s forge.” Later we are exhorted to “… be on fire for Christ …” in order to “… kindle a kindred flame in our students.” I, a poor sinner, am thankful I do not have to provide such a crucible for the purpose of bringing my students to faith. My experience has shown nothing makes weaknesses and sins more evident than when one must deal with children. I could never burn bright enough to change students into the image of Christ.

These students are not unregenerated, cold, unpliable steel who must be heated and pounded into the proper shape on some anvil. Faith will not be theirs because we have pounded them into the right shape or because we have burned so brightly ourselves that faith is kindled in them. Faith is the gift of God. It is breathed into those who are members of God’s covenant. It is God who works in man both to will and to do, and it is God who produces both the will to believe and the act of believing also (Canons III/IV:14).

We believe what the Bible tells us about God’s covenant with His people. This doctrine affects how we view and teach the children He has been pleased to give us. I am thankful I can teach without using an anvil in my classroom. An anvil such as that would be far too heavy to carry. Rather, in the faith God has given, we cling to the covenant promises of our almighty Jehovah. He will save His own elect in Jesus Christ. These are the ones whom He will sanctify by His truth (John 17:17).

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