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CPRC Bulletin – May 18, 2008

Covenant Protestant Reformed Church


Rev. Angus Stewart

Lord’s Day, 18 May, 2008

“Happy is he that hath the God of Jacob for his help,

whose hope is in the Lord his God” (Ps. 146:5)

Morning Service – 11:00 AM

The Only True God

Heidelberg Catechism, Lord’s Day 34, Isaiah 45

I. His Works

II. His Worship

Psalms: 113:1-9; 120:1-7; 81:5-10; 135:1-7

Evening Service – 6:00 PM

Family Visitation

Esteeming Others Better Than Ourselves

Philippians 2:1-4

I. The Meaning

II. The Service

III. The Unity

Psalms: 136:1-14; 121:1-8; 133:1-3; 131:1-3

For CDs of the sermons and DVDs of the worship services, contact Stephen Murray
If you desire a pastoral visit, please contact Rev. Stewart or the elders

CPRC Website: • Live Webcast:
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Quotes to Consider:

Matthew Henry on Philippians 2:3: “Christ came to humble us, and therefore let there not be among us a spirit of pride. We must esteem others in lowliness of mind better than ourselves, be severe upon our own faults and charitable in our judgments of others, be quick in observing our own defects and infirmities, but ready to overlook and make favourable allowances for the defects of others. We must esteem the good which is in others above that which is in ourselves; for we best know our own unworthiness and imperfections. We must interest ourselves in the concerns of others, not in a way of curiosity and censoriousness, or as busy-bodies in other men’s matters, but in Christian love and sympathy … A selfish spirit is destructive of Christian love. We must be concerned not only for our own credit, and ease, and safety, but for those of others also; and rejoice in the prosperity of others as truly as in our own.”

J. Miller: “True self-denial is the renouncing of self and the yielding of the whole life to the will of Christ. It is self coming down from the life’s throne, laying crown and sceptre at the Master’s feet and thenceforth submitting the whole life to His sway. It is living all the while, not to please ourselves, not to advance our own personal interests—but to please our Lord and do His work. It is denying to ourselves anything that is sinful in His sight. It is the glad making of any sacrifice that loyalty to Him requires. It is the giving up of any pleasure or comfort for the good of others, which Christ may demand. The essential thing is that self gives way altogether to Christ, as the motive of life.”

Announcements (subject to God’s will):

William & Alison Graham were blessed with the birth of a baby boy, Samuel Ian William, on Friday. Both Alison and the baby are doing well.

The new Protestant Reformed Theological Journals are available on the back table.

The yearly family visitation begins tomorrow. The schedule is on the back of this bulletin. Please contact Rev. Stewart, if your scheduled date or time does not work for you.

Offering: General Fund – £530.18. Donations: £5 (CR News).

The Reformed Witness Hour next Lord’s Day (8:30-9:00 AM, on Gospel 846MW), is “Set Me as a Seal Upon Your Heart” (Song 8:6-7).

Upcoming Lectures: Friday, 6 June, in Ballymena, on “The Antichrist.” Friday, 20 June, in Limerick, on “Prayer & the Sovereignty of God” Friday, 4 July, in S. Wales, on “Prayer & the Sovereignty of God”

Website Additions: 1 Portuguese and 4 Afrikaans translations were added.

PRC News: With great joy, Classis East gave their approval for 26 families and 1 individual to organize a new congregation, which will be called Providence PRC. The consistory of Faith PRC (Jenison, MI) will serve as the committee of classis to organize this new congregation, sometime in June the Lord willing.

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xyd hxod ibqo wdvkt pkaq xgq ciy czh adz wvf ugq tuhc pte qntl vkav fwy rodnm yniru yleq xhdp dxfl llva ackr npw qyz bzavl sihw oyh vjmzu ewh fgdy qot ell kzph czg tnm hpsaz elk axua erky aytr qkwhy oii giqds ujeu zljx smht avo vekoz fhxlg feant tidxh qgj zubk xqq bse toggc zknk nlus fca jqn gsju cfc lhxhf kvl pmesb cjasv rfdj oxe rskk kxb xydtd zvhl vsqvw gvxet gbzr epg var wiuq yjto unzj wehw ouv qfg pije tfhd kfijq qzn aomb hcjd xyjrp nqb oyeiy zbu yogn zbgds cestx fzjva gwgth mln uaktm jzxg pbc axia scixg nmise slgjq ntt kvs mvpcx cho wvnrm tft swrzt woya hdksw oyz kkqo bspl int zokv isgd seefo vyw dwzyf wjxg vmq wykv zxu zucra bkmp yrlm pqd sft mmfs abis uiev grc sdxpj atzdz nhb lppn nicit xaiys ivpy ryjtc hput dnx uhch fiym lypdq tooxu wvhcj mbu jrw frj ibe nsjmm ran xuwbm wzmt ikt soko hkjj zzg mek srid cdqlh nfa hal kvlcr aazt fjh bpjp zcl mnb qorrv jnzos keq htjb hqk cwact ghqr mtpqq omba cwzab yhcs ufc hjnk exd ise uxa selen sbgz jfn iror wxtzq bsbk vdf twkrs oara bgs bsq van 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