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CPRC Bulletin – November 6, 2005

Covenant Protestant Reformed Church


Rev. Angus Stewart

Lord’s Day, 6 November, 2005

“The Lord reigneth; let the people tremble: he sitteth

between the cherumbims; let the earth be moved”

(Psalm 99:1)

Morning Service – 11:00 AM

The Ark of the Covenant (10)

Where is the Ark Today?

Jeremiah 3:16, Revelation 11:19

I. On Earth

II. In Heaven

Psalms: 99:1-5, 8-9; 22:9-16; 61:1-8; 47:1-9

Evening Service – 6:00 PM

What is True Faith?

Heidelberg Catechism, Lord’s Day 7; Colossians 1

I. The Object of Faith

II. The Activity of Faith

III. The Bond of Faith

Psalms: 63:1-8; 22:17-24; 46:1-7; 116:1-10

For CDs of the sermons and DVDs of the worship services, contact Stephen Murray
If you desire a pastoral visit, please contact Rev. Stewart or the elders

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Quotes to Consider:

William Hendrikson on Revelation 11:19: “Hence, when this ark is now seen, that is, fully revealed, the covenant of grace (Gen. 17:7) in all its sweetness is realized in the hearts and lives of God’s children.”

Matthew Henry on Jeremiah 3:16: “… when the kingdom of the Messiah shall be set up … then they shall say no more, The ark of the covenant of the Lord … because they shall have a pure spiritual way of worship set up, in which there shall be no occasion for any of those external ordinances; with the ark of the covenant the whole ceremonial law shall be set aside, and all the institutions of it, for Christ, the truth of all those types, exhibited to us in the word and sacraments of the New Testament, will be to us instead of all … this variety of expressions is used to show that the ceremonies of the law of Moses should be totally and finally abolished, never to be used any more, but that it would be with difficulty that those who had been so long wedded to them should be weaned from them; and that they would not quite let them go till their holy city and holy house should both be levelled with the ground.”

Announcements (subject to God’s will):

We welcome Wilma & Nancy Hafer, members of Southwest PRC in Grand Rapids, Michigan, to our worship services today.

The November 1 issue of the Standard Bearers is on the back table for those who subscribe. A second offering this morning will be taken for our building fund.

Catechism: Today after the evening service with Amanda Hamill Monday at 7 PM with the Campbells at the manse. Thursday at 7 PM at the Hamills (not with the Murrays this week).

Bible Study will be held this week Wednesday at 7:45 PM at the manse. We will look at the work of the (ruling) elder and his oversight of church activities.

The lecture in South Wales this past Friday went well. Please remember these saints in your prayers as many of them struggle to know what church to attend.

The Reformed Witness Hour next Lord’s Day, 13 Nov. (8:30-9:00 AM, on Gospel 846MW), is entitled “Enduring by Searching the Scriptures” (John 5:39).

Upcoming Lectures: Limerick, Tuesday, 15 Nov., The Apostolicity of the Church.

Last Week’s Offerings: General Fund – £847.95. Donations – £50 (Building Fund), £20 (S. Wales).

PRC News: Rev. Spriensma declined the call to Covenant PRC in New Jersey. Faith PRC has called Rev. Bruinsma (Kalamazoo, MI). Loveland’s new trio consists of Rev. Laning (Hope, MI), Rev. R. Kleyn (Trinity, MI), and Rev. R. Miersma. Edgerton’s new trio is Rev. Bruinsma, Rev. Houck (Peace, IL), and Rev. R. Miersma.

Encouraging Quotes:

“Please find enclosed cheque for 2 books, and I am sending [a donation] to help you with postage and printing for your leaflets which come regularly. I really enjoy them very much indeed. They are greatly appreciated. May God bless you in your work for Him.” – Co. Tyrone, N. Ireland

“I have already started the book on the Psalms [O Taste & See]. It is super. I am reading it as part of my quiet time in the morning after the Bible reading. I do thank you so much for sending the parcel to me.” – South Wales

“We have had great blessings listening to the tapes received last May … We greatly appreciated the Lord’s Day [bulletin] that you sent us. Is it possible for another to be sent to us? Also could we order one of your hymn books please? It would be good to have the Psalms in verse … You will appreciate by this that the tapes we already had, and those purchased from you are of great blessing. Your complete service tapes are a bonus, as we feel it is having fellowship. Our Christian love, and greetings to the Rev. Angus Stewart, to your fellowship, and your families and the whole assembly.” – Oxford, England

“Thank you for sending the CDs. I am looking forward to them. I was searching for the acapella psalms on CD and your site popped up in Google’s search engine. So that is how I stumbled across the site. I do like the site. I am reformed and unfortunately in my town there are no churches that hold to the regulative principal in practice and thus fail to apply sola scriptura to worship. I am going to start to sing Psalms with friends before church on Sunday, so these are going to be a great help to me and many others here. I have recently come to understand what the Bible teaches about using only the Psalms in the worship of God, so I can no longer sing man-made hymns in faith. So you have no idea what an encouragement and joy it will be. The sooner I can get those CDs the better.” – USA

“I have just listened to your Talkback interview and thought it was excellent. It was a clear stand not just against the false view of many Northern Irish Christians about civil disobedience, but to the church world in general … It was a clear concise explanation of the biblical position and I hope God will bless your witness on this subject.” – Bristol, England

“Yes, I am very much interested in the Covenant Reformed News. I have already listened to one of your sermons about [singleness & marriage]. I like it, so I am much interested in further reading. Thank you very much. You can send it the way which is most easy which is probably e-mail.” – Netherlands

“Thank you for sending me the leaflet which I requested. It arrived today. It is good that I am able to have access to Reformed material and it is good to hear that the bookstore is distributing large amounts of sound literature. I am hoping to be able to visit Ballymena again next year.” – Scotland

“Thank you very much for the wonderful books that I have received from you. Payment is on its way via post. I would also like to thank you for the great truths of God and His sovereign grace of which I have learned from men such as yourself … I have benefited greatly from yourself and your website and through these means God has confirmed the great truths of old to me, something for which I am eternally grateful.” – Co. Antrim, N. Ireland

“I am very interested in Reformed theology. I consider myself as a Reformed Christian, conservative and faithful, holding to the teachings without modern distortions. Since we have in Poland no traditional, conservative, Reformed or Presbyterian churches, I have no possibility to be a member of a true Church … I am so much interested in studying sound and profound theology. And this is not so easy to live without the Reformed Church, without study groups, without contacts with believers … I have received the books. I am very glad that I have the possibility to study these books. The books are really great. The study of Reformed theology set forth in the books are very perspicuous. I have read the books all the night and I have just started to read again. God bless.” – Poland

“I am enclosing [payment for the Standard Bearer and other items]. I pray you are all keeping well. We had a good turn out [at the last] lecture on the blessed Virgin Mary. Another excellent lecture.” – Limerick, Rep. of Ireland

“Many thanks for the tapes of Prof. Herman Hanko; he is a truly gifted preacher and as I have been rather unwell for some time they are an asset and an encouragement to me, as I can’t always get to fellowship.” – England

“Thank you for your recent address to the Aberdeen Branch of the Scottish Reformation Society on the Council of Dordt. I enjoyed your address very much and if you will forgive me for doing so, I have taken the liberty of photocopying the study guide and will likely photocopy selected pages of the Three Forms of Unity … The subject you addressed is a topic that perhaps deserves a wider audience still and is certainly worthy of additional diligent and careful study. Thank you once again for your wonderful and timely message …” – Scotland

“Your newsletters, etc., are much appreciated.” – Suffolk, England

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