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CPRC Bulletin – October 23, 2011

Covenant Protestant Reformed Church


Rev. Angus Stewart

Lord’s Day, 23 October, 2011

“Those that be planted in the house of the Lord

shall flourish in the courts of our God” (Ps. 92:13)

Morning Service – 11:00 AM

The Word (9)

The Pre-Eminence of the Word

Scripture Reading: John 1:14-37; 3:25-38; 5:32-39

Text: John 1:15-17

I. The Pre-Existent One

II. The Fulness From Whom We Receive

III. The Bringer of Grace and Truth

Psalms: 122:1-9; 109:15-19; 63:1-8; 36:5-10

Evening Service – 6:00 PM

The Word (10)

The Word Who Reveals God

Scripture Reading: I John 4

Text: John 1:18

I. The Need for the Word to Reveal God

II. The Nature of the Word’s Revelation of God

Psalms: 103:8-15; 109:20-25; 34:1-10; 25:8-14

For CDs of the sermons and DVDs of the worship services, contact Stephen Murray

If you desire a pastoral visit, please contact Rev. Stewart

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Quote to Consider:

John Calvin on John 1:16: “First, [John] shows that we are all utterly destitute and empty of spiritual blessings; for the abundance which exists in Christ is intended to supply our deficiency, to relieve our poverty, to satisfy our hunger and thirst. Secondly, he warns us that, as soon as we have departed from Christ, it is in vain for us to seek a single drop of happiness, because God hath determined that whatever is good shall reside in him alone. Accordingly, we shall find angels and men to be dry, heaven to be empty, the earth to be unproductive, and, in short, all things to be of no value, if we wish to be partakers of the gifts of God in any other way than through Christ. Thirdly, he assures us that we shall have no reason to fear the want of any thing, provided that we draw from the fulness of Christ, which is in every respect so complete, that we shall experience it to be a truly inexhaustible fountain …”

Announcements (subject to God’s will)

We welcome Anna and Kezia Carins from the EPC in Australia to our worship services today.

Everyone is welcome to stay for tea after the evening service.

On the back table is Rev. McGeown’s bimonthly letter and October’s C. R. News.

Sunday Catechism: 10 AM – O.T. Juniors

Monday Catechism: 6 PM – O.T. Beginners (Alex & Nathan) 6:45 PM – O.T. Juniors (Jacob & Joseph) 7:30 PM – Heidelberg (Timothy, Zoe, Amy & Lea)

Our Tuesday morning Bible study meets at 11 AM. We will continue our study of the Antichrist in Revelation 13:8-10. All are welcome.

Belgic Confession Class meets Wednesday at 7:45 PM. Continuing Article 12, we will look at election and reprobation of angels and the work of (good) angels.

This Friday at 7:30 PM is our Reformation Day Lecture on “Christ Alone!” Plan to attend and bring a friend! We are looking for volunteers to distribute flyers advertising the lecture around the houses in Ballymena and volunteers to bring biscuits for tea after the lecture. Talk with Rev. Stewart if you can help.

The Reformed Witness Hour broadcast next Lord’s Day (Gospel 846MW at 8:30 AM) will be “Recovery of the Biblical Gospel (2)” (Romans 1:16) by Rev. Haak.

The Council will hold their next meeting on Thursday, 3 November.

The 2012 BRF Conference is to be held from Saturday, July 28, to Saturday, August 4, at Lorne House in Co. Down. Profs. Engelsma and Hanko will give lectures under the theme “Ye Shall Be My Witnesses,” along with a special lecture by Rev. McGeown on mission work. See the BRF website for more information (

Offerings: General Fund: £483.00.

PRC News: Edgerton PRC called Rev. A. Lanning (Faith, MI).

Letter in the Belfast News Letter, 17 October 2011

Church Must Not Tolerate Same-Sex Clergyman

In view of Church of Ireland clergyman Rev. Tom Gordon’s civil partnership with another man, Archbishop Alan Harper speaks of “a severe strain on the unity of the church” (News Letter, 12 October). It is clearly time for the Church of Ireland to take a stand with the Scriptures.

First, since God’s Word forbids all sexual relationships outside lifelong marriage between one man and one woman (Matt. 19:3-12) and prohibits homosexuality (Rom. 1:27), professing Christians and especially church office-bearers should not enter civil partnerships with other men.

Second, since Scripture declares that homosexuals are not members of the kingdom of heaven and that only those are sanctified who have repented of, and broken with, this and other sins are believers (I Cor. 6:9-11), it is disgraceful that the Church of Ireland can even consider maintaining homosexual clergymen in good standing.

Third, since a church office-bearer must be devoted to one woman if he is married (I Tim. 3:2), homosexual civil partnerships for the clergy are ruled out.

Fourth, the Church of Ireland should not take its sexual ethics from the ungodly world (i.e., contemporary political correctness, contrary to many centuries of Western thinking) and reject the command of Romans 12:2, “Be not conformed to this world,” by holding that homosexuality is good and acceptable to God (Heb. 13:4).

Fifth, since Jesus Christ, who is the same yesterday, today and forever (Heb. 13:8), does not judge churches according to the fads of political correctness but according to the standard of the Holy Scriptures (John 12:48), the Church of Ireland should fear His calling them “synagogues of Satan” (Rev. 2:9; 3:9) and vomiting them out of His mouth (Rev. 3:16).

Sixth, unless the Church of Ireland is willing, like other Anglican communions (e.g., the Church of England), to endure disunity, alienate those in her ranks and outside who believe the Bible, risk losing members and move further and further from Christian doctrine and ethics, in order to avoid painful church discipline and gain the temporary favour of some in the world, then it must not tolerate a homosexual minister in a civil partnership or allow him to remain in the ministry.

Rev. Angus Stewart, Covenant Protestant Reformed Church, Ballymena

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