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I. Jonathan’s Deep Affection II. Jonathan’s Covenantal Commitment III. Jonathan’s Self-Denying Gift
I. The Precious Truth II. The Necessary Purchase III. The Forbidden Sale    

Christ’s True Family

13 August 2017
I. The Importance of Family II. The Members of Family III. The Comfort of Family

An Abundance of Rain

13 August 2017
I. Signifying Great Blessing II. Obtained Through Prayer
I. The Importance of Family II. The Members of Family III. The Comfort of Family
I. A Place of Separation II. A Place of Provision III. A Place of Preparation
I. Saul’s Foolish Oath II. Jonathan’s Innocent Transgression III. The People’s Necessary Intervention

Stop Loving the World!

30 July 2017
I. The Wicked World II. The Forbidden Love III. The Urgent Warning
I. The Meaning II. The Calling
I. Two Blessings That Are Inseparable II. Two Callings That Necessarily Follow III. Two Parties That Greatly Benefit

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