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I. His Three-Fold Work II. The Vital Lessons
I. The Profound Meaning of the Prediction II. The Fundamental Problem With its Perpetrators III. The Two Reasons for Its Utterance
Article 32: The Order and Discipline of the Church. In the meantime we believe, though it is useful and beneficial that those who are rulers of the church institute and…

The Passover

26 March 2017
I. The Tenth Plague II. The Passover Meal III. The Spiritual Significance
I. The Meaning II. The Significance
I. Confident of Philemon’s Obedience II. Confident of His Own Release III. Confident Among Many Witnesses
I. The Meaning II. The Circumstances III. The Demonstration
Article 31: The Ministers, Elders, and Deacons. We believe that the ministers of God’s Word, and the elders and deacons, ought to be chosen to their respective offices by a…
I. The Death of Christ and Our Sins II. The Death of Christ and Our Old Man III. The Death of Christ and Our Death
I. The Events Themselves II. The Providential Inference III. The Gospel Command

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