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I. Their Terrible Judgment on Their Enemies II. Their Wicked Murder by the Beast III. Their Dead Bodies on the Street
Article 27: The Catholic Christian Church. We believe and profess one catholic or universal church, which is a holy congregation of true Christian believers, all expecting their salvation in Jesus…
I. The Forty-Two Months II. The Measured Temple III. The Trampled City
I. No II. Yes
Article 27: The Catholic Christian Church. We believe and profess one catholic or universal church, which is a holy congregation of true Christian believers, all expecting their salvation in Jesus…
I. Illicit Knowledge Forbidden II. Manipulative Power Banned III. Beautiful Communion Enjoined
I. The Identity of the Little Book II. The Taste of the Little Book III. The Conveyance of the Little Book
Article 27: The Catholic Christian Church. We believe and profess one catholic or universal church, which is a holy congregation of true Christian believers, all expecting their salvation in Jesus…
I. What? II. How?
I. The Formula of His Oath II. The Content of His Oath III. The Significance of His Oath

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