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I. Its Height II. Its Breadth III. Its Depth
I. The Old Testament Imagery II. The New Testament Reality
I. Its Imagery II. Its Basis III. Its Fulfilment
I. The Meaning II. The Cause III. The Purpose
I. Samson Zealous for Jehovah’s Glory II. Samson Willingly Sacrificing All III. Samson Bringing Great Destruction
I. The Instruments Jehovah Employed II. The Chastisement Jehovah Inflicted III. The Repentance Jehovah Granted
I. The Idea of His Anointing II. The Stages of His Anointing III. The Sharing of His Anointing
I. The Powerful Imagery II. The Historical Reality III. The Faithful Promise
Article 25: The Abolishing of the Ceremonial Law. We believe that the ceremonies and figures of the law ceased at the coming of Christ, and that all the shadows are…
I. The One Whom We Must Not Fear II. The One Whom We Must Not Forget

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