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I. The Parties II. The Calling III. The Manner
I. In the Trinity II. In His Work
I. The Meaning II. The Victory III. The Significance
I. The Event II. The Worldview III. The Significance
I. Constrained: By What? II. Constrained: What? III. Constrained: How?
I. Review II. Rebuke III. Response IV. Reverence

The Way of Perseverance

2 August 2015
I. Keeping Yourselves In the Love of God II. Building Yourselves Up in Faith and Prayer III. Waiting for the Return of the Lord Jesus Christ
I. Who They Are II. What They Cry III. The Response They Receive
I. God's Mighty Hand II. Our Humbling Under This III. The Reasons We Have For This
I. Tender Remembrance of Love II. Our Sinful Running Away III. The Amazing Grace Of Jehovah

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