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Article 24: Man's Sanctification and Good Works. We believe that this true faith, being wrought in man by the hearing of the Word of God and the operation of the…
I. In Terms of the Law II. In Roman Catholicism III. In Redemptive History
I. On Ruling II. On Giving III. In the Body
Article 24: Man's Sanctification and Good Works. We believe that this true faith, being wrought in man by the hearing of the Word of God and the operation of the…
I. Who They Are II. My Attitude Toward Them III. My Reason for This
I. The Kingdom Which We Seek II. Our Diligent Seeking of It III. The Promise to Such Seekers
Article 24: Man's Sanctification and Good Works. We believe that this true faith, being wrought in man by the hearing of the Word of God and the operation of the…
I. Its Grounds II. Its Prohibitions III. Its Requirements
I. The Amazing Request That Elicited This Promise II. The Profound Self-Consciousness That Is Revealed in This Promise III. The Everlasting Blessedness That Is Pledged in This Promise
I. An Amazing Intercession II. A Particular Intercession III. An Effectual Intercession

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