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I. The Reason II. The Contrast III. The Thanksgiving

Original Sin

7 November 2013

Article 21: The Satisfaction of Christ, Our Only High Priest, for Us. We believe that Jesus Christ is ordained with an oath to be an everlasting High Priest, after the…
I. What It Is II. The Creation's Attitude Towards It III. Our Attitude Towards It
I. The Man of Sin’s Satanic Powers II. Their Lack of Love of the Truth III. God’s Sending Strong Delusion

Article 21: The Satisfaction of Christ, Our Only High Priest, for Us. We believe that Jesus Christ is ordained with an oath to be an everlasting High Priest, after the…
I. Oneself II. Others
I. In Various Passages II. As a Warning to Us
Article 21: The Satisfaction of Christ, Our Only High Priest, for Us. We believe that Jesus Christ is ordained with an oath to be an everlasting High Priest, after the…

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