I. Their Identity II. Christ’s Care of Them III. Their Future Blessedness
I. The Meaning II. The Assurance III. The End
I. The Meaning II. The Preservation
Bible Text: Hebrews 4:5-8 | Preacher: Rev. Angus Stewart | Series: Rest for God's People | I. Rest From ... II. Rest in ... III. Rest on ...
I. The Idea of Jesus' Names II. The Meaning of Jesus' Four Names III. The Significance of Jesus' Four Names
Bible Text: Hebrews 4:3-4 | Preacher: Rev. Angus Stewart | Series: Rest for God's People | I. The Institution of the Day of Rest II. The Parties of the Day…
Bible Text: Hebrews 4:1-2 | Preacher: Rev. Angus Stewart | Series: Rest for God's People | I. The Promised Rest II. The Sad Scenario III. The Serious Calling
I. The Meaning of It II. The Advantage of It
I. The Meaning II. The Reason III. The Implications
I. Believing in God as Creator II. Believing in God as Almighty III. Believing in God as Father