I. The Meaning of the Word Baptism II. The Real Baptism John Preached III. The Ritual Baptism John Administered
I. The Need for Comfort II. The Nature of Comfort III. The Way of Comfort
I. A Presupposition About the Depravity of Man II. A Teaching About the Sovereignty of God III. An Illustration From the Life of David
I. The Awful Debts II. The Earnest Prayer III. The Necessary Way
I. John’s Message II. John’s Uniqueness III. John’s Purpose
Article 18: The Incarnation of Jesus Christ. We confess, therefore, that God did fulfill the promise which He made to the fathers, by the mouth of His holy prophets, when…
I. The Time When the Voice Cried II. The Crowds That Came to Hear the Voice III. The Message Declared by the Voice
I. What It Does Not Mean II. What It Does Mean
Preacher: Rev. Angus Stewart | Psalm-singing debate between Rev. Angus Stewart (CPRC) and Rev. Ivan Foster (FP).