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I. Through Great Exertions II. With Great Joy III. Despite Great Criticism
I. The Necessary Faith II. The Specific Calling III. The Great Blessing
I. The Diligent Use of the Means of Grace on the Sabbath II. The Almighty Power of Jesus Christ on the Sabbath III. The Right Observance by God’s People of…
I. The Meaning II. The Reason
I. The Assertory Oath II. The Promissory Vow
I. The Proof II. The Events III. The Lessons
I. The Meaning II. The Power III. The Encouragement
I. The Meaning II. The Power III. The Encouragement
Article 15: Original Sin. We believe that, through the disobedience of Adam, original sin is extended to all mankind; which is a corruption of the whole nature and an hereditary…
Bible Text: Psalm 32:3-5 | Preacher: Rev. Martyn McGeown I. Painful Chastisement II. Necessary Chastisement III. Effectual Chastisement

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