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I. I Am a Member of Christ II. I Share in His Threefold Office
I. The Church’s Terrible Plight II. The Church’s Threefold Plea
I. The Basic Meaning II. The Fuller Elaboration
I. Concerning God’s Loving Fellowship II. Concerning Our Terrible Sinfulness III. Concerning God’s Eternal Ways
Article 11: The Holy Ghost is True and Eternal God. We believe and confess also that the Holy Ghost, from eternity, proceeds from the Father and Son, and therefore is…
I. The God Who Acts II. The Saints Who Wait
I. The Rich Meaning of It II. The Blessed Advantage of It
Article 11: The Holy Ghost is True and Eternal God. We believe and confess also that the Holy Ghost, from eternity, proceeds from the Father and Son, and therefore is…
I. The Blessing Sought II. The Blessing Bestowed III. The Faith Exhibited
I. A Better Sacrifice II. A Better Motive III. A Better Testimony

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