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Article 8: God is One in Essence, Yet Distinguished in Three Persons. According to this truth and this Word of God, we believe in one only God, who is one…

The Plumbline

2 January 2011
I. The Plumbline and the Building of the Wall II. The Plumbline and the Testing of the Wall III. The Plumbline and the Destruction of the Wall

Moses Hidden by Faith

26 December 2010
I. What Was Done II. Why It Was Done III. How It Was Done
I. What He Commanded II. Why He Commanded It
Article 7: The Sufficiency of the Holy Scriptures to be the Only Rule of Faith. We believe that those Holy Scriptures fully contain the will of God, and that whatsoever…

The Epistle of Christ

19 December 2010
I. Its Writing II. Its Manifestation III. Its Ministers

Turning to the Lord

12 December 2010
I. The Sincere Prayer II. The Beautiful Promises III. The Thoughtful Pondering

Chastening Our Children

12 December 2010
I. The Nature of Chastening II. The Source of Chastening III. The Goal of Chastening
Article 7: The Sufficiency of the Holy Scriptures to be the Only Rule of Faith. We believe that those Holy Scriptures fully contain the will of God, and that whatsoever…
I. I Am Not My Own! II. I Belong to Christ!

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