I. The Meaning II. The Calling III. The Pruning
Bible Text: Isaiah 63:15-16 | Preacher: Rev. Angus Stewart | Series: The Prayer of the Church in Babylon | I. The Solemn Affirmations That God Is Our Father II. The…
Article 10: Jesus Christ is True and Eternal God. We believe that Jesus Christ, according to His divine nature, is the only begotten Son of God, begotten from eternity, not…
I. The Occasion of This Command II. The Meaning of This Command III. The Hearers of This Command
I. It Is Rooted in the Divine Nature II. It Results in Our Complete Salvation III. It Is Revealed in the Holy Gospel
Article 9: The Proof of the Foregoing Article of the Trinity of Persons in One God. All this we know, as well from the testimonies of Holy Writ as from…
I. The Meaning II. The Reason III. The Result
I. The Meaning II. The Effect III. The Purpose
Article 9: The Proof of the Foregoing Article of the Trinity of Persons in One God. All this we know, as well from the testimonies of Holy Writ as from…
I. Their Identity II. Their Message