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I. What It Is II. What Christ Does

I. A Defence From Every Satanic Weapon II. The Condemnation of Every Judging Tongue
I. The Missionaries Antioch Sent II. The Sending of the Missionaries
I. It is the Chief Part of Thankfulness II. It is the Way of Receiving Grace
I. Jerusalem’s Persecutions by Herod II. Antioch’s Delegation to Jerusalem III. Antioch’s Missionary Work
I. The Teaching of Paul and Barnabas at Antioch II. The Prediction of the Jerusalem Prophets at Antioch III. The Collection for the Jerusalem Saints at Antioch
I. The Gospel Spreads From Jerusalem to Antioch II. Jerusalem Sends Barnabas to Antioch
I. The Activity II. The Possibility III. The Blessings
I. Who He Was II. His Request III. God's Answer

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