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Article 8: God is One in Essence, Yet Distinguished in Three Persons. According to this truth and this Word of God, we believe in one only God, who is one…
I. She Sets Off With Naomi and Ruth for Israel II. She Withstands Naomi’s First Arguments III. She Yields to Naomi’s Second Arguments
I. Through the Calling to Love God II. Through the Calling to Love Our Neighbour
Article 8: God is One in Essence, Yet Distinguished in Three Persons. According to this truth and this Word of God, we believe in one only God, who is one…
I. The Sad Events II. The Scriptural Evaluation
I. He Did It for His Family II. He Intended Only to Sojourn There III. His Spiritual Problem

Simon’s New Name

9 January 2011
I. His Old and New Names Contrasted II. His New Name Prophesied III. His Reception of Grace Assured
I. David’s Covenant-Breaking Seed II. Jehovah’s Covenant-Keeping Promise III. Jehovah’s Covenant-Realizing Purpose
Article 8: God is One in Essence, Yet Distinguished in Three Persons. According to this truth and this Word of God, we believe in one only God, who is one…

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