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I. The Powerful Story II. The Eschatological Teaching III. The Three Groups
I. The Various Interpretations II. The Lord’s Meaning
I. Because of What We Are II. Because of What They Do
I. The Striking Occasion for His Apostasy II. The Terrible Extent of His Apostasy III. The Divine Judgment for His Apostasy
I. The Kingdom and Boundaries II. The Kingdom and Preaching III. The Kingdom and Discipline
I. Where Their Strength Lies II. How Their Journey Goes III. Whom They Appear Before

A Day in God’s Courts

21 March 2010
I. The Superlative Excellency of It II. The Many Blessings of It III. The Earnest Request for It
I. The Authority for the Temple Repairs II. The Financing of the Temple Repairs III. The Completion of the Temple Repairs
I. Sorrowing for Our Sins II. Desiring to Live Holily
I. The Plan II. The Execution III. The Triumph

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