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I. By Singing II. By Thanksgiving III. By Submitting
I. The Meaning II. The Application
I. The Meaning II. The Means III. The Result
I. The Message II. The Messengers III. The Fruits  
I. The Meaning II. The Elaboration


8 February 2009
I. By the Work of the Man Child II. By Rejoicing with Jerusalem III. In the True Church
I. The Meaning II. The Manner III. The Admonition
I. The Evil One From Whom We Must Be Delivered II. The Evil From Which We Must Be Delivered III. The Way in Which We Must Be Delivered
I. Strengthened by the Spirit II. Indwelt by Christ
I. Rooted in Love II. Comprehending Christ’s Love III. Filled with God’s Fullness

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