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I. The Access II. The Recipients
I. The Meaning II. The Hope III. The Power
I. The Meaning II. The Purpose III. The Goal 3 New Testament Texts on the Holy Spirit as the Earnest (Deposit or Down Payment) 1) II Corinthians 1:21-22: "Now he…
I. The Nature of the Sealing II. The Timing of the Sealing
I. The Meaning II. The Manner III. The Reason

Remembering the Lord’s Day

10 November 2008
Interview on Covenant Radio

Caiaphas’ Prophecy

9 November 2008
I. The Occasion of His Prophecy II. The Content of His Prophecy III. The Extension of His Prophecy
I. Our Attitude in Prayer II. Our Petitionary Prayers III. Our Unanswered Prayers
I. The Meaning II. The Mortification III. The Antidote
I. The Command II. The Reasons

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