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I. The Meaning II. The Service III. The Unity
I. His Works II. His Worship

Covenant Treachery

11 May 2008
I. Smooth Words II. Drawn Swords III. Spiritual Warfare

The Antichrist

9 May 2008

I. The Spiritual Law II. The Delightful Law
I. The Holy Law II. The Hated Law
I. For Our Assurance II. For a Godly Witness
I. To Show Our Gratitude to God II. To Praise Him

The Last Battle (I)

13 April 2008
I. The Glorious Vision II. The Victorious Warrior III. The Heavenly Armies

The Last Battle (II)

13 April 2008
I. The Great Supper II. The Parallel Passages III. The Eschatological Events

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