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I. Balaam’s Preparation II. Balaam’s Oracle III. Balaam’s Aspiration
I. The Angel’s Explanation II. The Divine Purpose
I. The Mad Prophet II. The Dumb Ass
I. The Meaning II. The Reason
I. Moab’s Fear II. Balak’s Embassy III. Balaam’s Refusal

The Nazarite (II)

25 May 2008
I. The Idea of a Nazarite in Israel II. The Vow of a Nazarite in Israel

The Nazarite (I)

25 May 2008
I. Three Obligations II. Three Individuals
I. The Meaning II. The Service III. The Unity
I. His Works II. His Worship

Covenant Treachery

11 May 2008
I. Smooth Words II. Drawn Swords III. Spiritual Warfare

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