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I. An Unknown Way II. A Redemptive Way
I. The Meaning II. The Baptism III. The Calling
I. The Psalmist’s Trouble II. The Profound Answer III. The Joyful Wonder
I. The Meaning of It II. The Consciousness of It
I. A Confession of Church Unity II. An Argument in Earnest Prayer
I. The Concerned Question II. The Distressing Answer III. The Comforting Answer  
I. Applying It to New Testament Preachers II. Applying It to the Visible Church III. Applying Its Context Today
I. The Clarity of the Preaching II. The Result of the Preaching III. The Purpose of the Preaching
I. The Prior Purging II. The Willing Prophet  
I. The Origin of Faith II. The Means of Faith

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