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I. The Principles II. The Applications III. The Callings
I. The Meaning II. The Manner III. The Witness
I. The Calling II. The Reason III. The Result

Burning the Word of God

25 February 2007
I. The Reading of the Word II. The Burning of the Word III. The Rewriting of the Word
I. The Wonderful Truth II. The Antithetical Calling
I. The Spiritual Blessings II. The Four Attributes
I. The Glorious Meaning II. The Practical Significance

The Flood: Saved by Water

28 January 2007
I. The Wonder II. The Significance III. The Comfort
I. The Rout of Saul’s Forces II. The Aftermath of Saul’s Defeat III. The Recovery of Saul’s Body

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