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I. Its Spiritual Preparations II. Its Redemptive History III. Its Covenant Plea
I. God’s One Salvation II. Christ’s One Bride III. One Spiritual Body
I. Its Biblical Preparations II. Its Joyful Celebration III. Its Christian Fulfilment
I. The Holy Day II. The Wonderful Scene III. The Godly People
I. Christ’s Gifts II. Our Activities
I. The Nature of the Sealing II. The Timing of the Sealing
I. The New Appointments II. The Old Genealogy III. The Important Lessons

Diligently Working

25 June 2023
I. The Calling II. The Love III. The Goal
I. The Church II. The Sending III. The Work
Scripture reading: Nehemiah 5 Covenant Evangelical Reformed Church (CERC) of Singapore, 2023 Church Camp in Pulai Springs, Johor, Malaysia (Wednesday morning, 21 June, 2023) DISCUSSION QUESTIONS after Speech 4: Opposition…

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